haha hacking attempt logged. good one danza now im in the shit
fuck me tommy im drunk
tommy admited in my forum that he would take it in the ass by numerous men if he could get into the olsen twin's pants. that's kinda freaky.
pimpi is a funny fucker
stop kissing ass and sucking cock fucked up head job
give me vodka or burbon any day. doesn't take you much to get drunk on that.
BURNT you fucking trogladyte. BURNT. we all make spelling errors late at night. yeah i have had a few guys threaten me with lawsuits too. some...
den make your own forum.
daaamn that would get me sued!
post what you want tommy. you have to agree to the disclaimer to post in the non moderated section anyhow. and the disclaimer actually protects...
it's not a goth forum you dumb ho. and say whatever the fuck you want about me or goths in the non moderated section. now fuck off and get a clue....
don't worry tommy i wont ban you just stay the fuck outa the moderated section [img]
owwww i knew that would do something evil like that!
it's MODERATED for a reson you limp dildo. i said keep the posts to a nice level there. if you have some bad shit to say, go to the non moderated...
thanks uncle. been working my ass off to get it to work and all. hope you all like it. if not, fuck off and DIIIEEE [img] Oh and don't bitch...
i imagine that Harlan or Martin will probably delete this thread because they are both so anally retentive. but any-who, before they do be sure to...
really, what is eveyone's obsessions with 12 year olds in this forum? and fact is yummy i DONT look at signatures. has nothing to do with whether...
Oh, Mr. Saint-Fond. I think I'm in love with you! Come on not all of us are that bad. Some of us are pretty normal. I just wear the black clothes...
whats up with you yummy?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote both MJ and PA look like cher, just one has a couple of basketballs stuffed down her sirt. They...
Separate names with a comma.