oh my B met him on our street but he rolls up to the house to do his business. sorry for not bein clear.
Bout 3 months ago this like crackhead guy rolls up and asks if my brother wants to smoke this joint. My brother says "Are you a cop?" guy says...
HAHAHA my buddy has one like that its got like no gfx no definition just a tube with a slit in it for.. stuff and the carb on the end, god i hate...
When you have a "pipe" and the carb is on the right hand side of the pipe we call that a right handed pipe because right handed people enjoy them...
IMC bro, check your messages Static
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote Its a sad day when i have to look up the meaning of words just so i can communicate in fugly...
sorry if this should be in the "joke" area but its to late now bitch at me later all you britney haters!
Ooops i, did it again just in case anyone else was wondering about them... here is a whole like 5 minutes of nothing but britney's boobs!!! Static
Why is it that guys care if a girl spits or swallows? i mean like on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the best, a girl from 6-10 looses 1 point for...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by canine_STD: See?!?!?!?!?!?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i dont like being the...
im done here... i just gotta say TWO last things, you knew about me hitting on the 14y/o drive through girl at MCD's LOOOONg before me and you not...
original post probly from this post? im not signed up as anyone else... this was my lame attempt at screwing with the real owner of this picture...
one last thing.... not that its an excuse because i DID say i would go, but she told me about her friends "dress up" birthday party LESS than 24...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR> I think need have bbQ dog and share with guy, then punch face of him! Say 'you fuck!'...
HOLY SHIT!!!! HAHAHA this just got SOOOO much better *wassup sign to fred*
and one more thing, post 1 posted May 03, 2002 02:44 AM post 2 posted May 03, 2002 02:47 AM in the span of 3 minutes its painfully...
perhaps the old boy was tired of hearing about how many numbers you got, or how many guys you blew off on X night at the local dud's and sud's or...
What are you guys going to do?
actually some of us are involved in higher level edumacation and not in high skwel and as far as everything else.. say what ya want about me.. but...
Hi guys, Im new to fugly and i wanted you to know that you guys rock! I love to read about how you fuck with people. I want to find someone to...
Separate names with a comma.