Daemon Tools is 100% free, CloneCd isn't, but will work as a trial version if you don't want to pay for it or crack it. A free program that will...
You could try using CloneCD or something to make an image of the original disk, but stored on your hard drive. Then get DAEMON TOOLS v1.16 (just...
You'd know you mucky tart, I've seen you in the porn section
How does that lady wipe her ass?
I just had me a pantgasm
You thought I had gone, but no, I am Texasmeatpacker and I have come to ruin EVERYTHING
If y'all think that's big, just wait till I pull my cock out yer girlfriend, and then you will know what big means.
That is what <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote means.
I already accepted that point you numb-nut
Hey! Why don't we all just be friends?
Case reopens due to new evidence: Your First Post <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote My answer <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1"...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote Was your motivation, my initial responses were: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1"...
Thanks for not pulling me on the IMG ending to "thinking" at least. I accept your reasoning, and retract fully. Miss. a) Why would a 'Beaver...
Oh Christ, you really are hard of thinking aren't you. A "fudge packing faggot" is the opposite of a "bonesmoker", sweetie. Why don't you bend...
Mr Violently, working according to the principles of the double negative ( for the hard of thinkimg, e.g I don't not think you're a tit ) a fudge...
and hello miss too
Oooh Hello girlfriend, I was awful sorry to hear about your asshole transplant rejecting you, mwaah mwaah
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote Oh yeah? sez who? look at this video clip we made:
Separate names with a comma.