If it was just a grammatical slip, I wouldn't have bothered. But the word does not actually exist. You, Sir, were talking bollocks! I felt it was...
*It's "incendiary". And quite right! Don't allow me to deflate your puffed up, patriotic swelling, you boring windbag. ;)
Canada is a pointless country full of boring, institutionalised windbags who like nothing more than to bore the rest of the world with talk of how...
“There are many humorous things in the world, among them the white man's notion that he is less savage than the other savages†Mark Twain...
It probably fell off while you were pounding the traitorous ball of mush with your star spangled Joescock.
But I do! I really doooooooooo! It's just not so sophisticated as yours.
:confused: How odd! My powers of echolocation must indeed be off, because now they're telling me that you are NOT being one, in the very post...
Strange, because I havent been bumping into any walls at all lately? And your previous two posts have plenty of "f.u.c.k. y.o.u." - but not very...
My echolocation tells me that someone is not amused! :)
Errrrrr.....? Huh?? ...oh I seeeeee! You're feeling a bit overexposed after seeing the footage of your chakra clearing...
Admit it. This thread is just a nod and a wink to BIGMAMA to give you the latest, gory updates on her vagina.
This will probably be a close second: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc3f4xU_FfQ
Yeah, but it's gonna be ok. I've found someone who can help you... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcYk16W7WHQ
LAME... That's about all that's funny about it. I mean, as a "f.u.c.k. y.o.u, towelhead", it's very effective. As actual 'humorous humor',...
Here's another pitiful example of a human being... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycmLcMg1GtA I suspect that everyone who looks just like that...
...nightmares are made! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU9W7Qo1T6M
Well spotted.
Yeah, in your case it would be a good idea. Your husband would be able to locate you when you're off getting impregnated by the strays you pick up...
Not only does she look like a robot, she sounds like one too. Her album is called... 'Superficial'. Apparently she'll do anything we want,...
Ok. I'm removing your name from the list marked 'gullible morons'. :) Bit of a medical fetishist, aren't you? Don't worry, I mean, I have a...
Separate names with a comma.