I ordered one. I dig Klashnakov, he's a cool old man
y'all some whiney kike niggers, you know that?
what the fuck are you correcting? looks exactly the same to me
fucking fruits...
who says I havent? HERE is some shit i made last week: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
jesus fucking christ, you are worse than schmed, wash your fucking linen.
a viggaro is three indentions, they are used as Ice pinches, and also in slides to help airflow on a pipe
u spel reek guud!
Hmmmm judging by you, I'd say, you goto the local porn store and work the glory hole for an hour or two. One of the "chaps" there will hook you up
you know, I thought it was physically impossible to hate all of you any more than I already do, then you guys go and prove me wrong, again....
no, if your waterpipe looked like that, it was made in a sweatshop in India, or china.
yeah that shit is fucking stupid, along with glass packs, and whistle mufflers. It gives you less gas mileage, like 8 Miles per gallon, but man,...
You truly are retarded, I won't even waste the time to dessimate this pile of crap you posted, as you show everyone here you are a racists,...
wow, what a huge pile of imported dogshit. Think of the 8 year old slave labor who burned themselves, for 10 cents a day to feed there family.
Glassblowers love customers like you, drop huge chunks of ice and smash the diffuser and have to buy a new one. I am smart, I put ice pinching...
well, if i knew what as "waterbong" was, I'd make you one. I would be more than happy to make you a stemless waterpipe, for filtration.
wow, you're a fucking retard. What special rights SHOULD you get for being white? What special rights do other ethnicites get, that you don't?...
did you make the owner duck your fucking cock as a reward? I personally would have not let the dog go, until her hump ass came back with updated...
then fine, you can't win
well, whom doesn't right? well, it's the annual "Dwaine is a lazy bastard, do his work for him contest!" Let's look at the prizes first, shall we?...
Separate names with a comma.