I wouldn`t know since less than 50% of "handicaps" are visible. ( Though the physical handicaps would be the ones in need of parking-space. Do you...
You only say marxian, because there were many words. Or maybe I got some of that neo-liberalism wrong :o I don`t have to go to the states...
Birkeland is back and the red\blueshift is out 8) This is nice :!: Even foul language can be forgiven then :roll:
I have to agree there Joe and 1337 ! Its not a problem run by , or controlled by , the USA. Its quite international. Additionally, the alternative...
Some americans must be quite american still. You are number ten on the human developement index. Net bad for the third most popolous country in...
Any problem would likely give the US a bigger lead in the world. Who has survivalist doomsday cults as a big business ? Who has the combined...
The Soy-bean importe Europe and USA kills a lot of jugle each year. Free trade makes sure that the workers go without proper medicare and...
Liberal media ? Some people actually love truth for its own sake. Though knowing that everybody has a bias, they try to retain a basic...
There was a nuclear test plane once as well. Shielding would have been to heavy of course. Additionally, it spread radioactive waste as it flew....
But it stillis about the "alien" isnt it. Wether it be Technical remote wieving. Remote suggestion. Psychokinetics or bloodsacrifice. The pyramid...
It is true that the Kyoto could be seen as slanted vs power-consumers w big land-masses. The reason three% is to much, Dio, is that this part of...
Good old Zarquie ! He was a true hero, and he went down fighting. For the noble cause of the rearangement from greenwich meantime, to makka...
US finds peaked in the 30s, production peaked in the 70s. British north sea has peaked. We have found he strata of rocks that hold oil all over...
It is highly unlikely that the pollution will kill all life; ( Smurfs worst case scenario ), but it is quite certain that most forms of life,...
He probably didnt want such fuckups to smear their integrity. Same as Joe want to back them. Same differentiation of tactic goes in the Sunni and...
Tipper Gore and the Moral Majority as well. Aint much Right/Left to trust .
It would indeed be an accomplishment, waging war for such a long time without massacres and innocent dead. The dollars to the families speaks og...
Just read aninterview with poor hispanic second generation citizens. They believed that the chance of upward social mobility in the sates was...
And we ARE in an extinction period. Period :!: The percentage of surviving genematerial should be of interest. Even to the dukes of...
Condolezza. Yummie 8) Bet she would look good in leather. Eat your heart out, Halle :P
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