hello Dear, My name is Miss Cynthia, I got your contact and I am interested to know you and be friendly with you. I would appreciate if we get acquainted as soon as possible, you can contact me through my private e-mail stated below so we can know us better. My private e-mail: (cynthiazinga19@yahoo.com) I am fully convinced that we can start here, because one has to know someone. I understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to hearing more from you soonest. Regards, Miss Cynthia. Please contact me directly to my e-mail address so I'll send you my photo ok thanks. (cynthiazinga19@yahoo.com)
I wish I would start mine. I have horrible gas and I almost teared up listening to Thunderkiss 65 this morning.
What was that "friends til the end" thing you wrote last night? Do we have some kind of suicide pact that I am not aware of?
This page has lots of visits, must be all the meth head hookers you got hanging out in the Arabs garage.
Look at the Medical Advice section and the authors of the threads. It's like me, you, me, you, me, you... just back and forth. We're sick.
You are the only one that would. Because you are the BESTEST internet BFF eva!! Had a headache yesterday so I didn't go online much other than like venom + bite + headache + death.
There is no winner silly, It's just like dwaynes game. There are only players. I am amazed that 7000 visitors have visited my deal. 6,950 BOTS and you 50 times. ha ha ha stalker.