I am a statistic, too as I added to your site visits. This is only my first or second time, though. Not stalking.
I actually got a PM from 'kittycat6677', so you think the spammers are sending PMs now? It wouldnt suprise me.
Ok, I am really weirded out by this 'this page has had XXX visits'. I dont even know 700 people let alone want them peeping at my member, or my members page.......
I cant wait for the long weekend. The week after that I am playing in a Charity Golf tournament and the week after that we are taking the camper to the beach. Not sure how much rest I will get..... :)
I didn't even know I had a page. So am I gonna have to invite loads of people, who I don't know, to be my "friend", in order to appear popular?
I thought nobody was going to be gone while somebody else took care of things? Did nobody stop by and see you and tell you who somebody was?
no tweeze, all natural, an you help me with the site? how can you send PM to hot girl asking her about to touch my cok?>
If you were a girl, a little tweezing underneath and you'd have those "to die for" eyebrows. You have the perfect arch.