I was just simply correcting an often made mistake at your expense Danny, then you tried to make it sound as if you were not required to spell correctly in whatever field of work you claim to be in. You might want to re-think that approach in the future. No one gives a crap about spelling in medicine...thats the most pathetic attempt at trying to sound like you don't care I have ever heard you little turd....
If they can't read it they cant tell. It is correct in that I aint required to spell correctly. In fact i don't need to spell at all. I just have to scribble shit. Additionally, you sir as well as these other dipshits are starting to not only bore me but also inducing an almost nauseating effect as if I have been stuck in a room full of flamers. Grammar stupidity, Dr. Phil and some stupid ass bitch that just needs to shut the fuck up talkin bullshit about online marriage, some little girl who I don't care to demean because its too easy on a target, an ugly ass old hoe bag with a cross dressin picture, all of it is becoming too much flaming homo like shit to put up with readin. You know its getting pretty bad when the likes of Horus have become the only half way tolerable posts. Same dumb ass jokes day after day. I will therefore lay off visiting this place for a while. Your'res truly DangerousDan
Hey! Bugs hasn't voted yet. She happenns to be home right now, so may be I can call and correct that. See if the vote count jumps to thirteen. (God what is she votes for me? How embarrassing.) The lower end of the gene posting pool has spoken. You must leave the tribe immediately. Barry Barry
And on a final note, it's all good and well that you don't have to spell when you write perscriptions. But this is not a perscription, it is a public forum on the internet. (I hope you know the difference) IF you want people to believe you are intelligent at least spell simple words, christ, USE simple words correctly. A typo is alright, but that is just plain ignorant. Wow making fun of stupid people sure makes me feel better after a hard day of work and golfing!
OOOHHHH! I forgot that I had this old nick. I DID get to vote twice! I guess that won't count will it Dumgerous? So if we take away my extra vote, and take away my wife and daughters vote, you still lead by three! That is because you are smart and special and everyone else at the bottom of the fugly gene post pool recognizes your superiority! I LOVE YOU like a dog loves fleas. Barry
Yea and in only like 6 posts!!! Same excuse they all use too when they leave.. the old "This place is stupid!!" HAHAHA
The mirror is the friend of the Narcississt, until he is forced to look into the reflection of his own eyes. Once he sees the behind the mask, his inferiority triggers a rage that breaks the mirror, or a sadness that simply turns off the light and walks out. ** ** I made this up. It sounded profound at the time. Dan will be back. This thread is about him, and no Narcissist can resist that drug for long. Please don't leave Dan . I will have no one left to kiss my ass once you are gone. I LOVE YOU DAN - LIKE A COON DOG LOVES PEPPER SPRAY. :shock: Barry
I am headed home. Give me time to get the computer up. FYI - Drinking and Golfing at the same time should be illegal. "Assault with a deadly weapon while under the influence of alcohol" sounds like a reasonable charge. Barry
Golf is for people who don't have time to fish. GOLF, Schmed? How white, country club, establishment, elitist, and yuppy can anything be? Are you going mainstream? Have you bought any embroidered shirts? How's the republican party treating you these days? God, the end of the world must really be near. I bet you even hired a young black kid to caddie. My view of Schmed has been forever tarnished. How can you fit spiked hair under a golf hat? http://members.aol.com/chgogga/myhomepage Barry