Oh mirror mirror on the wall, who is the funnier of us all? The answer my dear is clear to see, u r more funny than UT or Me xx
As there are three options in the poll, the question should really be "Who is funniest?" I'm surprised no one else has pointed that out already.
No-o-o. The question was actually "Who do you persoanlly think is finnier?" I voted for dimples' boyfriend on that one. Sorry. The question I was referring to is the one posed by the thread title. I hope we are now all clear on this, and can get back to calling each other stupid cunts, etc.
Ok well persoanlly I think u are a smelly cunt head thingy, got it? And you are not even finnie :evil:
welp, the votes are in, and it appears the only peopson who voted for Mia is, well, mia... Proving my point... She is not funny..