Lying,sanctimonious, fraudulent, nasty, deceitful, P.O.Shit!

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    The current U.S administration of course. Admittedly, not nearly as important or worth spending hours / days / weeks over as some sad, slavering, DYKEVVET-with-no-lifes' demonic little fibbies and murderous, penny grubbing escapades, but it might interest maybe one - one and a half of the rabble that have graced us with this charming infestation.

    This isn't encouragement for you to stay, so please don't feel obliged to address comments to me because i can't be bothered replying to the predictable shit this post is likely to generate. :arrow:
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Last sentence of the article above

    "According to the French analysts ......not a single option will open an honorable exit for the US from Iraq."


    Leave it to the Bastard French to look for the way to ** "honorably exit."

    **(French code for surrender).

  3. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Please don't get her started...she will continue on a manic rant again and pimp will have to medicate her again.
  4. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    She would be hurt if I ignored her effort. At least I didn't bash the theme of the article. Shew will note that and be appreciative. :roll:

  5. NurseR

    NurseR New Member

    My question:

    Why would a "seemingly" intelligent person rely on a Socialist French rag, to report "facts" of the Iraq war?

    With all of their "secretive" resources and shit...

    They've got a great deal on Ebay right now, French rifle. Never been shot, and only dropped once.

    What an idiot...
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, seeing as it's fugly posters, i'll reply.
    Good. One. :D :lol: :D
    Good. One. :lol: :D :lol:

    LOL. LMFAO. Jesus you people are great.*

    *No need to be alarmed - normal service will be resumed once the high fiving / shout out to all their friends, repetitive, post-whores from the other forum finally flap their asses and leave.
  7. NurseR

    NurseR New Member

    *No need to be alarmed - normal service will be resumed once the high fiving / shout out to all their friends, repetitive, post-whores from the other forum finally flap their asses and leave.[/quote]

    Why would you want us to leave? We're making your life a living hell. Thought that was the point of this whole forum, making people's lives a living hell?

    Did I miss something?
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Why would you want us to leave? We're making your life a living hell. Thought that was the point of this whole forum, making people's lives a living hell?

    Did I miss something?[/quote]

    Cheeky bitch is even going around with a bastardised version of my name.
  9. NurseR

    NurseR New Member

    Don't stroke yourself, high and mighty.

    Shortened version of my internet name on other forums.

    How's that Gos complex thing workin' for ya?
  10. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member

    Cheeky bitch is even going around with a bastardised version of my name.[/quote]

    YOU know the saying.

    Flattery is the sincerest, Nursey.

    Admit it, you kinda like it.

    I think you want to like NurseR deep down inside.

    You're proud that someone glammed onto the righteous goodness that ebbs form your fingertips.
  11. Brian OBlivion

    Brian OBlivion New Member

    Oh yeah. We've lost a battalion of tanks and 6 squadrons of aircraft. They're just not telling us. It's all a big secret, even involving the surviving family members and friends of all the dead tank crewmen and pilots.
  12. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    Gosh Nursey...are you planning on ignoring us? I'm so devastated! NurseR..nice to see you are still in fine form.
  13. smiles

    smiles New Member

    because they all live in the same town and keep close contact with each other? keep an eye on how many training mission accidents and helicopter crashes go on in the next few months... not saying she's right but i'm saying it's nowhere near out of the realm of possibility...

    on another note it's getting ridiculous how americans are so quick to jump on the 'bash the frenchies' wagon.... first thing they say is "we saved yourse ass in dubya dubya twuuuu" ... yes you did liberate france.... but without french help you'd still be a british colony and you'd all be sucking warm queefs out of nurseys post coital cervix

    now abut the French being “yeller bellied” if that is so it’s because the French actually know what war is and what it means and it’s not a video game… you guys are vets … if you’ve seen any real combat… ever… you’ll know exactly what I’m saying… looking back at it, what possible justification is there for the war in iraq?
  14. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    Actually I despise the French because they have systematically been selling arms etc to countries who are our enemies..and using their position on the UN security council to try and cover up their activities.
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Can't i keep any of my thoughts private without you coming along and telling everybody? Yes, it's true. I'd secretly be delighted to have that drab, uninspiring shadowlike entity traipsing around the forum after me as the perfect contrasting force to my bedazzling, star-like luminosity. Make her be my friend, Whippy. :x
  16. smiles

    smiles New Member


    "hello pot what up man it's kettle"

    "oh what up nigga"
  17. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    Wow...with such brilliant repartee I can see why you wouldn't want us mucking things up here!
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Hey!!!! Good to see you there Smiles! *HIGH FIIIIIIVES*
  19. smiles

    smiles New Member

    damn bella should i have gotten into detail? please dont send me on a rant i'd bet mia's testicles that you bunch of wannabees havent seen 1/10th of real war , so thanx? try again? i'd give my own accounts, shit i've SEEEEEN or have heard first hand from family memebers happen but you wouldn't believe me and if you did you wouldn't care so thanx? try again?

    * presses palms with nursey, both fuse into one evil terrorist entity- NURSILES
  20. mia

    mia New Member

    HEY If you are going to bet with anyones testicles, make sure its your own . . . . .oh sorry, I forgot you aint got none woops :oops:

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