what does a Canadian faggot look like?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Jarhed, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I am 45 years old about 6'3" and 300+ lbs. HELL YES I"M FAT. You say that like it is a bad thing. I like being well fed.

    [quote-"fivepaknh]Do you pass out every time you tie your shoes, lard ass?[/quote]

    No, but I bet I am make you pass out by putting a knee in the back of your neck. Care to find out?

    By the way, I notice that you don't bother putting your real name and address out there for the world to see. So tell me, who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

  2. mia

    mia New Member

    Your not fat Barry, your dreeeeeeeammmmmmmy , yum yum :wink
  3. smiles

    smiles New Member


    hate to get off topic here.... i mean barry's sexxy and all...but i believe jarhed is trying to insult smiles... please try a little harder and i'll respond (again) k?
  4. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    OK, here is a picture of smiles, AKA "Randy", from The Village People:

  5. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    he looks gay! :lol:
  6. smiles

    smiles New Member


    in my defense that pic was taken before i grew my mullet
  7. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! God love ya, you fucking Canuck!
  8. Brian OBlivion

    Brian OBlivion New Member

    Yo! Uricare!

    Tom Clark
    103 NW 3RD St
    Casey, Il

    Come pay me a visit, Mr 400 lb bench press. Come and knock me out.
  9. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    No, but I bet I am make you pass out by putting a knee in the back of your neck. Care to find out?

    By the way, I notice that you don't bother putting your real name and address out there for the world to see. So tell me, who's afraid of the big bad wolf?


    Dear fatboy,

    You are no where near those dimensions judging by the other objects in the picture, like the door and shitter. Not that your size matters anyway. It sounds like you're putting up a smokescreen because you're scared.

    Most everyone that knows me from military.com and my forum will tell you I've never made any attempt to remain anonymous online. Bring it, coward.

    Paul Pakenham
    10 Conant road
    Nashua, NH

    I posted this last night, but it somehow disappeared since then. Does Barry have admin powers here to delete post?
  10. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member

  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I have no admin rights. I did it with HAARP technology. (in best sci-fi threatening/mysterious voice) Be afraid, be very afraid. http://www.fugly.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6217&start=2

    This "I can beat you up" crap reminds me of 6th grade playground behavior. I am truly sorry that I ever played along.

    I personally think you suck. No question about it. I also think you are prime for a defamation/harrassment lawsuit from Medic. I hope she follows through. There is no doubt that you have followed her around the internet for the express purpose of causing her distress and to destroy her reputation. You stated this yourself with much glee. You will have fun explaining to the jury why the picture of you pointing a gun is not meant to intimidate anyone.

    Your website states that you are aware that Medic has a legit claim with the VA, and is receiving 30%. That means that she served in some capacity doesn't it? She may be a complete liar about what she did in the service, but the fact that she in the military seems clear.

    I more than agree with with you that people who rip off the Government through deception should be prosecuted. The VA has plenty of resources to investigate fraud. Why not just report her and let them do their job instead opening your self up to litigation from a women who is probably desperate enough to file against anyone she thinks might have a dime?

    You can call me stupid all you want, but begging to be sued is the stupidest thing I can thing of. Oh wait, that would be number 2 - giving a person the guns and ammo to shoot you with is the stupidest, and that is exactly what you are doing with Amy.

    Have a nice day in court.

  12. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Why the hell would ANYONE want to go to Illinoise???
  13. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I'm guessing that you are just too stupid to post something right, which is only backed up by the fact that you are quoting "8 Mile" in an effort to sound tough. You didn't need to post your address, if we wanted it we would of already had it.... (just ask Barry).
  14. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    If you followed along from the beginning, you'd know that others found her here and I was only one of many that came to expose her as a fraud. Having a claim with the VA doesn't make it a legit claim. If you knew the whole story rather than spouting off like a fool, you'd have read my post where I stated my intent. We're going to present to the VA any evidence we feel we may have that indicates fraud. They can then determine what the truth is and take action. I posted this on my site. You have been to my site and did choose to involve yourself in this matter, yet you didn't read my intent. A little more attention to detail may help in the future.

    The gun pic of me has been on the internet for a couple of years. If I'm in violation of some law for intimidating some of the sheeple on the internet, then so are literally thousands of others. Go to a few firearms forums and you'll see many similar pictures.
  15. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member


    Shut up, moron. :roll:
  16. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


    Good one there Eminem. Looks like I pretty much hit the nail on the head. Now go back to your forum where you and the 10 other people you pretend to be can care about the inane and utter bullshit that shoots from your finger tips.
  17. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    I hate wiggers and haven't seen 8 Mile, but you've made me curious, what comment did I make that came from that movie?
  18. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I don't really have a dog in this fight do I? If fraud is being committed, I encourage you to do something to stop it.

    My advice to you is to present your evidence to the VA, and let the forum stuff die. The harrassment of Amy seems to me to be on a personal level. The amount of anger far exceeds the crime in my opinion.

    A few things to think about -

    1. Amy appears to actually have a history of suicidal ideation. If you and your posse encourage her to kill herself, or if you purposely inflict mental anguish on her with the knowledge that she is mentally imbalanced, you may be held liable for contributing to her death if she actually followed through and committed suicide. You may beat the charge in court, but who the hell wants to take their chances in a civil suit when the plaintiff is a cute sixteen year old orphan?

    2. You present yourself as honorable and as a man of integrity, yet you are using no integrity in how you are pursuing this matter. You are letting some personal anger get in the way of doing what is right. Follow the proper channels for corrective actions. Stop waging a childish forum war on some emotionally conflicted single parent. Honor and integrity demands a certain level of emotional detachment. Check your real motives here. I do not think that they are all pure.

    Oh, and you still suck, and my dad can whip your dad, etc, ect, ect. :D


  19. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    You make some valid points and I am getting a bit tired of this. I won't drop out of the teasing of chubby, because that part is fun. but I'm going to curb the anger part of it. I don't believe she's as unstable as she tries to imply. She's just a fat, lonely attention whore begging for the sympathy of others. Though, that's just my unprofessional opinion.
  20. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    how exactly did you find her here?...

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