Have fun with the poser!

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Eagle334th, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. campjwIII

    campjwIII New Member

    Great alliteration there, pimp.[/b]
  2. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I think it's just one cock flop signing up all different names.
  3. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    Amfat's profile on trackpads:

    February 3, 1966

    I am a single mom with two kids, my daughter Nicki who is sixteen, and my son Ronny who is twelve. Although my legal name is emily, I go by amy most of the time,except when signing a legal document. Like a welfare check

    Stigler, Ok On a VERY strong chair

    hobbies? this puter is it ..i have no life...JK! I like reading and writing, but not 'rithmatic, and swimming and camping Eating

    on social security disabilty and nsc war vets pension and receive a 30% service connection

    Military Experience:
    am a US Army Veteran, and was in from 1985 to 1992, first as a patient admin specialist then as a combat medic.

    United States

    Ill Like everyone that has to look at you

    Prior/Current Service:

    Computer Games I like to play:
    don't really play any

    Music Groups I like:
    all music except opera and elevator music. How would she know unless it was a freight elevator

    Sports Teams I like:
    Forty Niners!

    My Favorite Movies:
    The Stand, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, It's a Wonderful Life Willy Wonka? Big surprise coming from this big Oompa Loompa

    My Favorite TV Shows:
    Monk, Who's Line Is It Anyway, The Dead Zone

    My Sex is:
    Female Yet to be determine. The search party for your genitals never returned from out of your flubbery rolls. I've lit a prayer candle for them.

    My Favorite Colors are:
    Blue I don't know. What color is a Big Mac?

    My Horoscope is:
    Aquarius A horror!

    Tubby's Profile
  4. desantnik

    desantnik New Member

    I really could give a fuck if she's welcome here or not. That fat fuck deserves every pinata-like beating she gets. And Amfat... you're not forgotten. :twisted:
  5. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    why the hell do you people care about some dumb bitch so much? you act like you have some bigass personal vendetta against the said "her". for all we know you new fags are all cock suckers who are pissed cause she doesnt let you circle jerk on her any more. what the fuck does it matter if shes being fake. you act like you pathetic little life is just gonna fuckin all apart from below you. dont you know the internet is full of fake ass people, havent you ever been to a chat room? or a forum? is every one on every forum true to their word? other wise shut the fuck up and let the shit rest
  6. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member

    More whale bashing!


    We loves it, we wants it, the precious whale cumwhoreslutliar bashing!

    teeeee theeehhhe eeee heeeeettt
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I think that editing people's quotes raises more questions about honor than anything Medic might have done.

    I hate the newbies, and will be glad when they get bored and leave.

  8. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    I'm pretty sure boredom is what's propelled them over to our fine cesspool Baz.

    MEDICVET New Member

    ya'll are makin whipone cream in his pants by giving him all that dirty talk that turns him on so.

    Hey, maybe this will make ya'll feel better tho..I was suicidal for a little while when this bullshit first started at those other sites.

    Unfortunately for ya'll I am going to weekly group PTSD therapy! (doesn't that just BURN YOU ALL UP!) and have seen a shrink four times since then for the depression and have had lots of positive feedback FROM REAL PEOPLE IN PERSON so it more than makes up for all the shit that was dumped on me by people who don't have the slightest fucking clue of what they are talking about.

    MEDICVET New Member

    camp I would expect this of the others but honestly thought you had more class. Oh well, live and learn.
  11. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    Let me be the first to tell you. The shrink ain't workin'. You're still huge. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. desantnik

    desantnik New Member

    Damn! We were so close! :cry:
  13. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    She admits to ripping off the government and fooling them about her service. It wouldn't be hard to find the nearest PTSD treatment to her home and tip them off the fraud. We have more than enough evidence in her statements made on several forums.

    Emily Pike
    204 N Broadway St
    Stigler, OK 74462-2044
    (918) 967-4885

    Come on mob. The torches are already lit. Let's bring this huge beast down. :twisted:
  14. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    The Sheriff's dept is just 2 blocks away ;)

    *slinks back out*

    MEDICVET New Member

    thanks for the info. I shall be contacting the local police and sherriff's depts and informing them that I have online stalkers about to take this shit to the next level. Come to my town and you will be sure to go to jail. I'm not interested in playing your stupid fucking games, and am also going to be calling legal aid monday. this shit has gone too far.

    You are going to get me in legal trouble for things said on the internet? fucking good luck..I have a feeling I am not the one that would be facing charges if this internet shit turns into a who did what illegally. I hate to break this to ya'll but I haven't defrauded anyone. Not a single institution. but ya'll are digging yourselves a hole you are going to find it pretty godamn hard to climb out of.
  16. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    Tell them I said, "Hi!". 8)
  17. desantnik

    desantnik New Member

    Burn her! :lol:
  18. mia

    mia New Member

    And what exactly do you fucking toss pots want the end result of this to be?? Cut to the chase then fuck off . You are all true pond life.
  19. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    And how exactly is informing the authorities of possible fraud considered stalking?

    Do a Google search on "cyberstalking definition" and I think you'll feel as stupid as you look. The stalkers don't usually go the authorities to report the "victim" of fraud. To report you, it helps to have your name and address, fat ass.
  20. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member


    Most of us originate from military.com which is chock full of legitimate veterans that deserve the services medicfat is stealing. The way some of you disparage the military, I wouldn't expect you to understand.

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