Well in Fugly tradition, human rights issues come second to bull shit, but I have faith that you guys signed the petition, only because I took the time to read the responses and I know some of you did in fact sign, so thanks xx
http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/invrelations/adobeandmacromedia.html :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
great macromedia is going to go down the shitter.... we should have a funeral for flash and shockwave
There are probably people out there who think this wesite is serious. Animal cruelty laws would have stopped this long ago. I agree with Rat - hahaha, another urban legend. Barry
Hey call me what you want, we all know you got a lazy eye, and 90% of the people here want to take turns smacking you in the head until your eyes align properly
Isn't that censorship? Wouldn't Fugly.Com belong in the same trash pile? Chants - Shut down Fugly. Shut down Fugly. Shut down Fugly. Shut down Fugly........ I am always amazed that people who are pro-abortion are almost always easily offended by animal cruelty. Go figure. Barry