Everytime I eat diced onion rings, I get horrible stomach cramps and diarrhea that fucking reeks of onions. Even my piss smells like onions. Does anyone else get sick from onions?
Raw onions usually make my ass ex0ploded But, now I eat Anti-Diarahha pill so I only shit 12 times a day.
I've been reading about allergies, but it's strange because I can eat onions on pizza and stuff and not get sick. (except Papa Johns, I always get sick from that shit).
man how do they make a pic like that..I mean..that is some explosive shit there..literally..but how does one pose/get ready for a pic like that..or is it one of those once in a lifetime ya had to be there things? and why the fuck do I even care.. ya'll have corrupted me..(sigh) :roll:
Please. You got banned at another forum didn't you? And you want me to believe that you lost your virginity here? HAHAHAHAHA! I still like ya' though. I am probably the only one here that missed your off topic manic rants while you were being de-contaminated. Barry