Had a thunderstorm sunday that rework the insides of my Lynksys router... So I went to bestbuy, and they talked me into a netgear router, it took 4 days to hook up, with my soutghern accent vs. the doon coon babble from India, I finnally called Netgears office in california, and a fucking mexican told me what to do.... Now my vonage is busted up, so I have to use the nextel (919)413-6773
Dwaine, you surprisingly don't have that southern accent. I lived in NC for a while and it was rare to find someone who didn't have it.
I catch myself saying, "dudn't" as opposed to "doesn't" I say "figger" instead of "figure" Tour to me, rhymes with "tore" and "four" I say "coo-pon" and not "que-pon" (coupon) I also call address "a dress" and not "add dress"
Here people say eXpecialy instead of especialy and warsh for wash. They also say borrow me instead of lend me, as in "Will you borrow me a pen." Also, you can tell if someone is mormon by the calm, flat monotone of their voices.
actually i do a pretty mean southern accent for a non american it can usually crack up my friends when were out drinking, i say something in really thick accent and mess with people we dont know, and my friends laugh their asses off my favourite thing to say: ain nuthin around here, just a buncha faggots!
The flat affect is the result of years of brainwashing. They talk to you that way because they think they are superior, and they believe that you are an idiot that does not deserve the courtesy of their attention. Trust me on this one - I have too much personal experience with the LDS. Barry
Funny :lol: Come to think of it, there is not much difference in the LDS and LSD. Both are pretty interesting in small doses, but continued exposure will fry your brain. Barry
Oh, do YOU have experience with the LDS? I live in southern Utah dude, I've grown around them and a culture they get dominate. I'm getting a degree and moving.
If you live in Southern Utah then YOU ARE A MORMON by proxy. Move 500 miles in any direction, and your life will improve. PS - you win on being the expert on the LDS. I could not image the trauma of living in the Mormon Meccaland. Barry
Yay! I win! After years and years of strange looks and state run liquor stores that close at 7p! *victory dance* Man, if you think the religion is messed up you should see what happens when they get to control an entire state.
LOL!!!!ELEVENTY!! LMAO, fuckin' excellent. I'd love to go out for a drink with you and your mates one day... *sighs heavily*
OKay, I must step in, this topic took a turn for the worse... My network is networking again, where did it all go so horribly wrong?