bingo, turns out its beta-c since i cant link to a single pic today heres the link
Do you freaks not know that people who monitor these forums take that kind of talk very seriously? It would not surprise me if a carload of FBI types show up at your trailer and haul you to Guantanomo Bay. Didn't anyone ever tell you guys that the Internet is a public platform, and the same laws of speech apply to it the same as if you were standing on a street corner in downtown Boston? "drops warning letter with tracking device in the mail, addressed to horus, and stomps back to the bank of screens" Barry
yours is big enough for all of us if mine was any bigger, id have to have a truck drive in front of me, carrying my junk skank
AKMs are better than AKs, the stamped reciver is actually better, works forever you can put about a gajilion rounds through it, no problem!
I use a slide action rifle myself...for all those pesky unwanted late-night visitors as well as the coyotes. I live alone with my girl up on an Island near Seattle...I take every precaution.
Didn't Barry tell us a scheme to transport seafood for cash across state lines? Also, didn't he tell us how to make crack out of simple green and bking soda? LOL
Barry, you leave my stalker dude the fuck alone! *picks up a cucumber* There, there, Schmedly, don't listen to him - you don't have to justify yourself * shoves schmeds face in bosom*
Glad to hear that you took one night off. Just trying to look out for you. Dwaine and I need you to be healthy for our fishing trip so that your hands don't shake while you are baiting our hooks. Barry