Internet Code

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by ucicare, Mar 7, 2005.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I know that my suave and snappy retorts speak otherwise, but I am actually quite new to internet forums. As such, I have made many observations which have generated many questions. Since I want to be the best at whatever I do, any help to clarify would be appreciated.

    Questions -

    1. If someone puts DR before their nick, is that code for "FAG"?

    2. Is being suicidal, homocidal or infantile a requisite for acceptance?

    3. Does anyone in this forum NOT use drugs or alcohol to excess?

    4. Does anyone every post something when they are completely straight/sober/lucid?

    5. Is there anyone in here who was not abused as a child?

    6. Is there anyone in here who would not abuse a child?

    7. Are their really more than three people in this forum, each with four identities?

    Thanks. I await enlightenment.

  2. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    1) Yes.
    2) Perhaps
    3) Define excess...
    4) Yes, this post...
    5) Never abused
    6) Wouldn't abuse (unless it was really fucking asking for it)
    7) I only have my identtity and can vouch that most regulars are real.
    8) There wasnt an 8 was there.....

    Your Welcome

  3. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I also just now found out if you put the actuall number eight followed by")" it makes the cool face.
  4. smiles

    smiles New Member

    1. If someone puts DR before their nick, is that code for "FAG"?

    now thats no way to talk about fags

    2. Is being suicidal, homocidal or infantile a requisite for acceptance?

    heh you said "homo"

    3. Does anyone in this forum NOT use drugs or alcohol to excess?


    4. Does anyone every post something when they are completely straight/sober/lucid?

    i am EXTREMELY flacid right now

    5. Is there anyone in here who was not abused as a child?


    6. Is there anyone in here who would not abuse a child?


    7. Are their really more than three people in this forum, each with four identities?

    no, yes, no

    barry the truth is if you want to have normal discussions with people in likelihood you've come to the wrong place.. but if you want to hear some genuinely fresh perspectives treading through the muck might not be such a high price to pay
  5. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    1. If someone puts DR before their nick, is that code for "FAG"?

    My nick comes from the band MrBUngle, but I didn't want it to be a straight, literal rip off. I'm not a fag, just s a straight supporter.

    2. Is being suicidal, homocidal or infantile a requisite for acceptance?

    Only if you googled your way into the forums.

    3. Does anyone in this forum NOT use drugs or alcohol to excess?

    I sober up inbetween classes.

    4. Does anyone every post something when they are completely straight/sober/lucid?

    I'm high on endorphins at the moment.

    5. Is there anyone in here who was not abused as a child?

    *sniff* who told you....*sniff*

    6. Is there anyone in here who would not abuse a child?

    I have two kids. One is seven and she is trained to disembowel men with broken bottle of booze. Her technique is sound but not very creative at this point.

    7. Are their really more than three people in this forum, each with four identities?

    My only identity previous to this was Cough Syrup. I got 400 posts in before they switched styles. Something durring the switch disallowed my name and password to transfer.
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Agreed. The post above is fairly non serious. I have a forum I post in daily that is "serious". It bores me to tears.

    This place reminds me of the psycho ward at the Mensa community. Everyone is really bright, but at a price. I would not have stayed this long if I did not feel right at home.

    FYI - I like you Smiles, but I ain't kissing ya'. My sanity as far as orientation is concerned is well intact.

  7. whipone

    whipone New Member

    I hve neither the time, nor the inclination to explain myself to you, or your dirty femm-bots.
  8. mia

    mia New Member

    Question 6???
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    That little puppy in your sig - you are training it to suck on your finger aren't you? And then one day when he least expects it....

    Sick you are. Sick, Sick, Sick.

  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

  11. mia

    mia New Member

    Oh dear
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    IMC is AKA Dwaine Scum. He is completely harmless as long as he is sober and unarmed, which is never.

    I hate to ruin his reputation, but he really has the heart of a little kid.


    and he keeps it in a glass jar in his refrigerator.

  13. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    drum roll

  14. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    1. This sounds like the question of someone who is unsure of their own sexuality.

    2. I am homocidal, hardly sucicdal, but have been described as childish at times.

    3. YES PLEASE!

    4. Of cruse oI mna alwakys sobper wjhen ipost

    5. I love my "uncle Michael" thank you!

    6. We have IMC for that

    7. I am me, myself and I. That makes 3.

    MEDICVET New Member

    the psycho ward at the Mensa community. Everyone is really bright, but at a price

    that is very fucking profound. think i spent a few weeks there once or twice..but dont ask dont tell

    yes to all but the abuse kids..child abuse is my kids abusin me. ;)
  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    The only thing in life, of which I am completely sure, is that I like women.
    I have struggled with heterosexuality since kindergarten.

    Thanks for your concern.

  17. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

  18. Lucifein

    Lucifein New Member

    Code of Conduct id for the living.

    1. No clue

    2. Possibly for this forum, but not in general

    3. I don't drink, smoke or take medication for anything.

    4. I just have

    5. No

    6. My husband Ulfur is 4 years younger, does that make me a craddle snatcher?

    7. It's 'there' and yes, there are folks here with just the one ID.

    Consider yourself enlightened.
  19. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    I refuse to answer anything until you send me money.
  20. HORUS

    HORUS New Member

    i got my ass kicked as a kid repeteadly, and i turned out just fine

    ok, so i have a tendency to get drunk and get into fights, but no so much anymore :D

    i hate alot, but i dont party anymore

    the only problem i have with this forum is the racism, i have said earlier that im not too fond of jews (well i used another word...)

    but hey, i dont hate them for what they are, i hate them for what they do, if they stopped it, id stop hating them

    and yes Dr Bungle is defenitly a vet :D :twisted:

    ps. i tried to like Mr Bungle, since i loved fatih no more, but their sound is just to wild and experimental...

    have you heard that one with melt banana? fucking insane

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