I guess none of you actually read. He warned you. American Idol has me bored. http://fugly.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=93888&highlight=#93888
Barry came to my bosom begging for love understanding and a little light bondage. He is a stallion of a man a hunk of spunk AND he is ALL MINE :evil: He may one day return to the demimonde that is fugly but all that drivel was beginning to affect his brilliant mind so we decided he should take a ( possibly permanent) break. :shock: Samantha why would you refer to me as a fat wombat ??? I would normally be very hurt by such an insult, but now that I have the love of Barry I feel only happiness and fulfillment Ya cunt :shock: oops sorry about that
Mia, Mia, Mia...*sighs*... MUST I ALWAYS have to repeat myself for the slow, the dim-witted and the obscure? I thought so. I did NOT call you "fat". The Wombat part still stands, however. Snoochie Boochies! Your Cunt~
Mia, Mia, Mia...*sighs*... MUST I ALWAYS have to repeat myself for the slow, the dim-witted and the obscure? I thought so. I did NOT call you "fat". The Wombat part still stands, however. Snoochie Boochies! Your Cunt~
GASP! This is it! :!: I just knew that with the passing of a man as mighty as Barreh, strange miracles were likely to abound...yet i didn't dare mention this inkling in fear that to do so might alter the chances of it actually manifesting. The giant void left in our universe when Barry ceased to be has imploded, creating this, as Friend Whippy correctly surmised, rift in t-s continuum. Previously binding universal laws hold no sway here...in what we could now call 'Barreh-tiiiiiiiiiiiime'. What we are now witnessing is the convergence of alternate realities...and now absolutely anything you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams and more is possible from here!!! Praise be to god! BARREHLUJAH everybody! *Sways euphorically*
Yup, we can start a support group for those with an uncontrollable urge to beat the shit out of douchebags.
Awww, Mia! You *really do* "just want to be loved", don't you? So much that you have made the clllll-ever decision to recreate your persona as a pitiful, pale imitation of me. Though even that takes up all the mental power you can muster, and it probably took you all of about 3 days to prepare the general outline of that reply, as becomes apparent when in your next post, which you had no preparation for, you revert back to the Mia we are all excruciatingly familiar with.. *Goes back to swaying euphorically*
I'm with Ulfur on this. I mean why don't we just change the name of this site to better describe the content like theatrical bullshit homos douchebags soundoff and make stupid little fukn jokes nonstop hoping to entetain overweight middleclass dumbass husband and wife. Disgusting.
It is good and comforting to know that the spirit of the "one" is watching over us all. He really did care.
Nursey you take to much of an interest in me, really it is not healthy. Yes of course I am flattered but it is also of some concern to me. I have tried not to reply directly to any of your obvious attempts to resume flirting with me but alas to no avail, the obsession is obviously deep rooted. Please direct your attention elsewhere , fight that urge to reply ,go on I dare you . . . . . . . . . . Oh dear . . . .ah well . . . . .never mind . . . . . :roll:
Mia, but if she didn't obsess over you so much, she might direct her attention to ME! So I am selfishly glad it is you she cares so much for, and yet can't help but feel a little guilty. Ergo this post, which will be like waving a red flag before a bull..
Oh dear...just how do you go about telling someone that they emit the sickley, sweet stench of putrificating brain matter as it reverts back to an amino acid primordial sludge every time they open their mouth? MEDYKEWET seems strangely attracted to it! I suppose it brings back fond memories of her job.
Ladies, ladies. What would Barry say about all this bickering? At his funeral no less! You should all be ashamed of yourselves! What did Barry teach us? That we all should 'care', and that we all can be friends (unless you are Israeli).