We all need a way to say goodbye, and since we can't make it to his funeral, i thought it might be nice to have a little online ceremony where we can focus our thoughts on the finality of Barry's circumstances. I've used a little 'artistic license' by giving Mia a very visible role in the proceedings as i believe she will approve of. This was to give the symbolic funeral more of a personal, life-like touch, and on viewing, i hope you will agree that i have done a good job of depicting the whole event with as much sensitivity, care and tact as was my intention. Now i will leave you alone in peace to say farewell to 'the bald guy' that wanted to be ~everyone's friend~.
Well, at least we got rid of mia. Good night ol chap! Let there be endless corn and broken condoms strewn acroos your path! Allah bless you!
What a touching ceremony...make sure they don't cover up Mia too! Alas..there are no bandaids to give for a broken heart or a grieving friend.. But I do have some Okie moonshine to pass around..could we have an old fashioned Irish wake and make it a party?
I thought Mias boobs were a 30 E ? However, at that size, E or F doesn't really matter- it's a wonder she could even hold herself up to type messages.
Ulfur is in denial. It's the first stage of grief. Perhaps we should start a support group? Barry would have liked that idea.
I turn my back for a second and what happens . . . . . . . . bitch bitch bitch, tut tut , very dissapointing :cry: Anyway you can all dry your eyes as Barry is not dead, he is just a little tied up at the moment and enjoying every minute of it. I shall pass on your regards to him :evil:
Oh yes I almost forgot . . . Barry is up for winning the Dickie Davis tash competition, he asked me to pass that on to you all. He has a magnificent growth which I have been stimulating for him on a regular basis. Its all good
Mia you are such a slutty little liar. I sleep with BARREH, the man, the myth, the legend every night. He would never abandon my embrace to cross the ocean just to wallow under your sheets. Lucky me.
There has been another Barry sighting. This one may explain the absence from the forum. Looks like the new boat came a little earlier than expected, and there is no internet offshore where he now spends all his free time.
I told you who I am. I am Barry's beloved of 30 years. He asked me to abuse as many of you as I could in his absence. I expect him back from the sea eventually.