I laughed my fool head off at the movie post 01-16-2005 titled RunLikeHell. The poster's message was "It appears that the Canadian dental system borrows it's technique from England!" Anyway, I think the person should take a closer look at the movie. You'll notice that the guy is a Canadian (Canadian flag emblem on backpack)visiting an American gift shop (American flags on the gift shop). So in effect it's more like it appears that the American Dental system borrows it's techniques from England. To the poster of the smart ass poke at Canadians. you are such a dumb ass. Anyway, the clip is of a beer commercial poking fun at Americans, it played on TV here last year and is part of a series of commercials that make fun of our neighbours to the South. But what makes this commercial doubly funny now is that it appears that an American thought it poked fun at Canadians. Americans you are such a great source of entertainment to us, it's almost not fair that we Canadians poke fun at you, you are such easy targets. hehehehehe!! A proud Canadian.
Here's the link. I figured the coordinates of the date relating to the Fugly movie would be enough, I guess not. http://www.fugly.com/media/view.php?cat=MOVIES&id=2570
I for one love Canada, outside of it being too fucking cold, it's a much better place to live than this cesspool of lies and deMockracy.....and the "so go live there" responses are not needed, I would if I could right now. I mean when is the last time Canada's government lied to its people to start a war so the leaders of Canada could get richer and have its citizens die for oil they didn't need?? In fact when was the last time Canada was in a war?? People who bash on Canada are ignorant or just plain stupid. You can decide of which category you fall into.
Come on Barry, finish one before starting another. Didn't your mother teach you anything? Canada doesn't have much oil anyway. Wait a second, maybe it's not the oil you're after, maybe it's all the ice we have. Well Barry, good news, you can make that yourself. Here's what you do. Take a couple buckets of water, carry them into the freezer. Make sure to close the door behind you. Wait 12 hours and voila - 2 buckets of ice and a Barrycicle. Make ICE not WAR !!!
Schmed, you are so onery when you are drunk. I actually like Canada too. The fishing there is awesome. Canadians, however, get on my nerves. The problem with Canadians is that they have a genetic predisposition to be cowardly. Since a large portion of the Canadian breeding stock is comprised of American Draft Dodgers and Frenchmen, it was inevitable. They screwed up the dang fine sport of football too. Where did they get the idea that the rules needed to be rewritten just for them? Barry
Quote: "Americans you are such a great source of entertainment to us, it's almost not fair that we Canadians poke fun at you, you are such easy targets. hehehehehe"
Dude! Canada is so cool that it should be a fucking members only club. Like, you could build this big wall around Canada, and only let in the people who are 'totally rad'! That would be awesome! Then you could make fun of people that aren't in the "totally rad fucking Canada club" Fuck yeah!
oh my. if it sucks here so bad, why dontcha leave? christ, this is a horse we've already beaten. is your day to day life so fucking bad? honestly, the only way the wars affect my day to day life is that i am forced to look at all the yellow magnet ribbons all over the cars and gas prices have gone up- to a mere $2 a gallon. big fucking deal. i am starting to think your America bashing is more of an attempt to please the UK people on this site. you also live in the nations capital, so you are probably getting bombarded with more "news" and political rhetoric than the rest of us soi'll give you a little leeway.. i dont agree with every US law or political move, but who does? which countrys gov't pleases ALL the people, ALL the time? none, that whose! and I SAY. anywhere you live there is a tradeoff. nowhere is perfect. so shut up before you get spanked.
"Have you re read your little post? Do you still think it worthy of more?? :shock: :?" Mia, your post doesn't make sense girl, get off the booze and come back when your sober or after you can finish a thought.
It does make sense but as you have a "fool head" perhaps you didn't understand my reply :roll: So I shall explain . . . . For some reason you felt that your first post required some great response from its readers, it didn't. Quite simple really.
You can go on living with your head buried in the sand , I don't care, AND I already stated save the "go live there" becasue it just makes you sound like an ass, tried to save you the trouble there..sigh.. I could care less what anyone on this site thinks of me, its the fucking internet. And yes living in a place with such as I do does tend to make me hear more political rhetoric, and my above statement has nothing to do with ANY law this country has, my gripe is soley with our current leadership, its my fucking opinion and I'm entitled too it, if you don't like it don't read it. And yes no where is perfect, but you'd have to be a total idiot not to know that some places ARE better than others...it is a horse we've already beaten, so stop beating it.