Many moons ago whilst learning field craft when I joined 'Her Majesty's Finest' our instructor showed us the correct method for wiping your arse clean with the minimum amount of bog roll, thus keeping the webbing packs less bulky etc.. He took out a single sheet of toilet paper, folded it into half twice then ripped a small corner from the top edge. When unwrapped there was a nice hole in the middle of his sheet which he then stuck up his arse and wiped himself clean. He then said 'most people chuck away the corner part but it is the most essential part, and I'll show you why' he then wiped the shit out from behind his finger nail with the small bit of toilet paper left, which we all thought was pretty ingenious. However, he threw it away and I gingerly picked it up, wrapped it away and stowed it into my pocket. Later on one of the lads from my platoon, who was right gobby welsh twat, was doing his usual big 'I am' stuff, so when his back was turned I unwrapped the 'brown nugget' and dropped it into his mess tin. The dull fucker ate the lot blisfully unaware of why we where all pissing ourselves sniggering. I still don't regret it to this day.
verbally, yes. She cried, but took it out with her teeth..then later confessed that she didn't have the guts to say it wasn't her bar of soap! :shock: :lol:
Dubya that IS classic..plantation slaves who were 'house niggers' and pissed in their owners lemonade then watched them drink it would be proud.
I called some asswipe in the forums a frenchie... It's okay, he is retarded and wants us all to hold hands
I've done the toothbrush in the toilet several times, I have spit in boyfriend's drinks, hell, I even blew a snot rocket in one. I trashed someone's apt, stole a friend's boyfriend, cheated... I don't feel bad about any of that. The worst thing I ever did was probably kill a snake.