Last week I paid a kid at Taco Bell $20 to put broken glass in Dwaine's Burrito El Grande. That would be it probably. Barry
20 minutes ago my i was at a party and my friends stole a variety of things for my birthday on tuesday... dont know if that counts
I dosed someone who was a complete anti-drug freak with meth. (right in his coffee and he kept pacing around saying, " God, I feel REALLY great today!") ~That's no Bullshit, either. I'm going straight down.
I dressed up like a chick and fooled this guy into having anal sex with me. After he was done, I turned around and said "Ha! I'm not even a chick, you gay-wad." He was piiiised.
good one whipone i fucked my daddys secretary, mean part is, she used to fuck him earlier :shock: i stole my dads girlfriend!
Years ago I had a house share with four other girls, one of which I knew had been using my toothbrush amongst other things without my permission (not that I would give anyone permission to use my toothbrush) What she didnt know was that I had obviously replaced said toothbrush as soon as I realised she had used it. I began to use afore mentioned toothbrush for cleaning my beloved doggys (Jasper) teeth and left it in usual spot in the bathroom. Oblivious to this she carried on using it for a couple of weeks. Is that mean??
I would never use the same toothbrush to clean the bog as to clean my beloved poochies toothie pegs! Wish I had thought of the toilet bowl thing first though!
learned it in the Army. I account most of my perversions to the Army. also remember watching the drill sergeant chew out a gal who had a curly hair on a bar of soap..she had to take it off with her teeth..