Those praying Rabbis sure do know their shit! 10/02/2005 - 10:17:17 AM Israel scraps peace talks after mortar attack Israel cancelled a meeting with Palestinian negotiators today following a mortar attack on a Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip. A Palestinian official said Israel called off the meeting in response to the flare-up in violence. It was not immediately clear when the meeting would be rescheduled. The talks were meant to follow up on Tuesday’s summit, where the Israeli and Palestinian leaders shook hands called for an end to four years of fighting. Today’s meeting was expected to discuss the work of new joint committees that are to coordinate the planned release of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel and an Israeli military pullout from West Bank population centres. Palestinian militants fired a barrage of mortar shells at a Jewish settlement in the southern Gaza Strip early today in the first serious breach of the ceasefire declared at the Red Sea summit. Army Radio reported that 25 mortar shells were aimed at the settlement, and 13 exploded inside the perimeter, causing damage but no casualties. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas planned to go to Gaza later for talks with militant groups to try to cement the ceasefire he declared with Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon.
man I didnt have to read that much when I was in college... the propaghnda is really starting to errk me... I guess Im just hated becuase I am an american *feels shameful*
The surgery was successful. Whip and I are no longer congenital twins. He is responsible for his own tomato seed stories. Barry
well put. Some illusions even if they are that should be left alone. As far as other conspiracy theories go..if the towers fell because of shoddy workmanship and inadequate building practices and it's trying to be covered up, then that would be about the only damn conspiracy theory I would come remotely close to believing. The guy who was fired was fired not because of his opinion but because he made the opinion public and a company name was attached to it. Whether it was right or not is another matter, but that is why it happened. Lost a good friend on flight 175..the second plane to hit the towers..
I lost a good first cousin to a bullet that came from an American enforced "demilitarized" zone that wasn't very DE-militarized, wanna go shot for shot? 10 bucks says I wiiiinnnnnn
smiles..I would bet the ten bucks..but who's to say either you or I wouldn't be just making shit up, you know? And to provide all the documentation just to win ten bucks and lose what vaguely tiny amount of privacy I have on the net wouldn't be a good idea. So let's just say that as far as having those we care for die, we've both BTDT and leave it like that, ok?
how true indeed *he says as he eats caviar off a supermodels left tit .... in his maybach... in miami.... with a 12 inch penis... which is mine... and a crazy big ass talking parrot*
Something nice for a change I'm sick of all the never ending doom and gloom that has plagued the planet since GWB was installed in the Whitehouse to culminate the plans of a shady, cultesque group of fascistic elitists. So whilst perusing the latest headlines, i came across this nice story. For once, a news item that inspires comfort, order and security in a world which sometimes feels on the verge of descending into all out chaos, destruction and misery.
"The trays would then be pushed through the machine and come out in shrink-wrapped packages. The wrapped bodies would be easier to carry than body bags and less disturbing for workers, county Coroner Judy Arnold recently told The Olympian newspaper. " okay I can see the preservation and easy to carry thing..but less disturbing exactly HOW?
Well i'm quite excited because i think this next piece of hi-tech gadgetry will be i-deal when coupled with the cadavar shrink-wrap machine! :idea: Zap 'n pack!... far more hygienic (and less distressing) than machine gunning down large swathes of hysterical / rioting/ starving / radiation poisoned sections of the population before having to scoop up the resulting mess by hand.
why can't they ever try to invent something that will stop somene in their tracks and is PAINLESS? man sometimes I wonder about the human race.. especially when I remember I'm part of it.. to the best of my knowledge 8)