There is no rewind button on the suicide video. Please don't do anything as final as that. I do not own a dark suit, and I don't like funerals. Barry
1,2,3,4 I don't wanna live no more. Just take that razor blade, and cut your wrists down to the bone... and die laughing. Express yourself. seriously*. *not serious, get some help.
Go somewhere where the suns shining and it's warm like miami or tough it out for a couple months. Probably just the winter dark and cold. I'm about ready for some sunshine myself.
I wish people who stick looped, animated GIFs in their sigs because they think they are anything other than trite, tedious and annoying would kill their computers.
Suicide only hurts the people that care about you. If no one cares about you or you don't care that anyone cares then... I think I will put that on my resume for the suicide prevention hotline.
There, you cock. Also... this is a great way to commit the suicide... (take note baconbob and chester grape)
I'm so conflicted. I laughed out loud at Whip's pic, then felt knee-jerk guilt for doing so. In the end, I can't help but feel that if that absolute dolt thought that anything good could come from climbing a power pole and laying hands on a wire, the world is really better off without his genes in it.
If anyone is suicidal they should think about taking out someone else who really deserves find out when a serial rapist/pedophile is getting out of prison, then be there to greet him and send him to hell then turn the gun on oneself. Either that, or if they have children, be considerate and make it look like an accident so the kids don't have to grow up dealing with that kind of shit for the rest of THEIR lives. just tryin to be helpful
I went in the Living room and watched Ichi The Killer (the Directors cut) on DVD.... I am fine now... thank you for the support
hahahaha that pic is hilarious, i remeber reading about some guy who climbed a trasmission tower, the ones that carry 500-750k volts, with a 6 pack of beer. well apperently he was having martial probs and such was depressed and what better place to work out problems that a transmission tower right? well he finish the beers and as beers has the tendency to pass through you pretty quick nature reared its head and he had to take a piss. this unlucky sonofabitch didnt remember about the electricity and had 500-750k volts pass thruogh its miniscuel peter right up through his body and dropping him like a stone. cant recall if he lived or not. :roll: