No shit. I'd rather fuck than fish, but I have had a few episodes of the latter that turned out more enjoyable and memorable than a few episodes of the former. Nauseous, are you a vegetarian, PETA member or just one of those people who can only experience joy by sucking it out of everyone else's life?
My favorite picture to piss off the PETA's (It is well noted that I am fully plumped, so skip the fat comments) Fishing and Sex have much in common. This picture is a Red Snapper. Barry
Ah, the Gill hold, I hate sticking my hand thru the Gills. I perfer the pinched lip hold, but with a fish that size you would have to have a hell of a big finger and thumb to hold that up. Very nice Red Snapper, I am sooooo Jealous, I have never caught anything close to that size. Of course I have only fished in lakes in Texas and Oklahoma, never had the opportunity to Ocean Fish.
I actually have a small hand gaff rammed in it's back. Snapper have very sharp gill plates and have sharp spines on their gills. They also have teeth, and will politely bite your finger off if you try to use the old "thumb and lip" technique. They don't call them 'snapper" for nothing. Nice fish Whipone has. Is that a Pickeral or a Muskie? I have never caught either one. Barry
Sorry. I purposely yanked your chain with the "hand gaff rammed in the back" comment. I actually agree with you that animals should be treated humanely. I eat everything I catch, or I release the ones that are sportfish. I do not believe that fish are in terrible pain pulling against a fishing line. Their mouths have almost no feeling (they eat crabs for heavens sake). I also dispatch the fish we keep with a small bat to the head. I know that does not sound nice, but it does kill them quickly. I do not think it is wrong to catch something and eat it, or to catch it an release it unharmed. I tag some fish, and have caught the same fish 7-8 times. Obviously catch and release does no permanent harm to the fish. I would never kill a fish for sport. Barry
Never could understand 'sport fishing' myself. If you catch it you should keep it and eat it. and whipone, did you eat the muskie? How did it taste if so?