NOTE: I found over half of you with your phone numbers! NOTE: System is behind so older numbers may show up but not new ones. NOTE: Cell phones are excluded from this. Google has implemented a new feature wherein you can type someone's telephone number into the search bar and hit enter and then you will be given a map to their house. Everyone should be aware of this! Note that you can have your phone number removed or blocked. Before forwarding this, I tested it by typing my telephone number in My phone number came up, and when I clicked on the MapQuest link, it actually mapped out where I live. Quite scary. Please look up your own number. Read below for details. Think about it--if a child, gives out his/her phone number to someone they can actually now look it up to find out where he/she lives. The safety issues are obvious, and alarming. In order to test whether your phone number is mapped, go to: Type your phone number in the search bar (i.e. 555-555-1212) and hit enter. If you want to BLOCK Google from divulging your private information, simply click on your phone number. Removal takes 48-hours. If you are unlisted in the phone book, you might not be in there, but it is a good idea just to check. If your number does come up if you hit map, it will show you a direct map to your house... Please forward on to friends and family who do not blog!
OMG it is true! I put in Dwaines phone number, and it drew a map right to his house! I drove by and took a picture so everyone could see where Dwaine spent his formative years. Barry
I am so upset. I moved over four months ago, and my new numbers and address have still not made Google. How are all the adoring masses supposed to find me? Barry
Sucksto be an american. typed in my number even with the international number infront it doesn't show
Wow, Thanks for the heads up on that, my wife and I are shocked you can do that. My oldest is at the age were he needs to know his number for school and would probably tell anyone who asked to prove he knows it. So again thanks.
Those with kids need to talk with them about the dangers of the world at a very young age, and educate according to their understanding as they grow older. There are some sick fucks out there. And for those in favor of gun control, I want to say for the record that so am I..I keep very good control of my weapon to make sure it hits the target I aim at. This is some pretty damn scary info, and I am actually glad that my youngest isn't of the age where he would be so stupid as to give out his number on the net, but that doesn't matter..if anyone gets a map of our home through the net, just realize that my kids and I are good shots and generally hit what we aim at.
LOL. actually, I live only a house down from the post office in our town. But it is a small town where most folks know each other, which does lend an element of safety to it..harder to get away with shit without getting caught. I have lived most of my life in in a small town takes some getting used to, and it does have its negative aspects but I do like it overall.
by the way, here is how you can have it removed so that no one can do it to your phone number.