If you are dumb enough to leave yourself logged in....

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Ulfur Engil, Feb 18, 2005.

  1. HORUS

    HORUS New Member

    whats the big fucking deal?

    if you dont lock your car, it should be stolen!
  2. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Hey, HORUS ... If you walk down the street, you should be murdered.
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    It does not amuse me to make others feel bad. I am just trying to influence everyone to think a little bit about how our actions affect others. If you all read of Ulfers past threads, you might see why I would respond the way I did to his post.

    I will say this again - I do not think that I am better than anyone. I make mistakes in judgement often. I do dumb things that I regret later. I do not have all the answers nor do I even know all the questions.......
    ......But I do appreciate redirection from others when I am wrong or when I misinterpret things.

    The measure of a man is not what he does the first time, it is how he adjusts and corrects when admonished for his errors and mistakes.

  4. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    That too.
  5. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    Alright, I don't know what feelgood sedative everyone has been fed recently, but frankly, if anyone is go goddamned thin-skinned about this sort of thing, then I would suggest fellating a gun-barrel and pulling the trigger, because there is no way in hell you belong in the world, much less this forum.

    And DrBungle, you are absoultely right about me. I really am motivated by my own betterment, and you want to know something? So is everyone else in the world. I am just man enough to admit it. Anyone who claims to be of a charitable nature will always be one of the most selfish sons-of-bitches you will ever come across.

    So again, fuck everyone on general principle.
  6. Coma White

    Coma White New Member

    Fuck you too Ulfur.

    and its still fun messing with people.
  7. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    WHy does it have to be you Barely? you egotistical self-centered douche-bag. Sure am glad you werent around for the cat and hammmie forums. Ruiner of fun. This is Fugly and no one wants to play with you anymore.
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That is sooo true. I love it when someone does something out of the "kindness of their heart" and then boasts about it.
  9. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    shit happens
    thats life, your not gonne go through life with out something bad happening atleast once.
  10. smiles

    smiles New Member

    Barry, ulfur didnt fuck this guys daughter infront of him... he just added some books to his account WOW... i also refuse to believe that you were soem sort of neighborhood crusader standing up for the little guy with complete disregard for yourself, what suburban Pleasentville shithole did u inhabit? i cant imagine you actually behaving like that in any city with a population over a hundred thousand and actually still having your real teeth before turning 25
  11. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Lesson 1 - If you can't find the time to do it right the first time, when will you find time to do it over?

    This whole thread is too funny, personally if someone did that to my wish list on AMAZON i would have a good laugh, i mean come on that is pretty funny.

    I starting to sense that barreh's moral fibre and guidance is somehow directing us towards NAMBLA, seems your moral outrage at bullies seems rather oppourtunistic to swoop in and play the hero, all attention focused on barreh, great saver of the weak, preventing them from learning how to stand up for themselves, peddling your quick fix and superior strenght support system for praise and adornment. Seems to be a running theme in your life barry.
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    What has NAMBLA got to do with anything??????

    Maybe Schmed was right. I posted in the wrong forum. I thought Fugly Forums was a think tank, when it actually is just a cess pool.

    Somebody please flush.

  13. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Just your own penchant for preying on weak for your own "moral" well being, and self satisfaction. NAMBLA version of predators have the same characteristic, portraying there own deviant behavior in a "moral" light, when in fact it's just an excuse to fuck children. In this case it's just an excuse for yourself to be the hero of the situation, or to promote your violent actions in a self rightous light, the saver of the weak, I suspect one of the reasons your chose your current profession.
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Pass me that joint you are smoking and maybe your blabber will make sense to me too.

  15. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Does it ever occur to you could be wrong? Maybe you were too extreme in your post, having a bad day and reacted to strongly?

    Or does anything that floats to the top of your consious become automatic Truth.

    Or did you overhear the conversation of a rape victim?

    "What was it like?"

    "Oh horrible! I'd compare it to this one time when my amazon wishlist got fucked with."

    If saying there is a difference between rape and fiddling with the wishlist of a person who didn't clear his info after putting it in on a public computer puts me in an unthinking cess-pool, then thats fine.
  16. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Come on in, the water's fine! (Though a little murky.)

    (And lumpy.)
  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    With due respect - My point is that the original post stated that the victim DESERVED whatever they received. Rape and fiddling with a wishlist is not the same thing, but the mindset that thinks the victim DESERVES what they get is the same. Nobody deserves anything bad to happen to them just because they are stupid, or forgetful, or lonely or ugly or whatever. The sociopath cruises through life using DESERVES as his excuse for his self serving behaviors.

    Have a nice evening.

  18. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I really don't believe that about you. I think you might hit back if someone attacks you first, but I can't picture you wanting to harm an innocent person just for your own amusement.

  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Well, I justify all of my negative behavior, but all in all, I don't attack unless provoked.

    But what warrants an attack? That varies from person to person.

    "He cheated on me so I cut his dick off" "My mom wouldn't let me go to the beach, so I killed her" "That guy's a rapist and I shot him"

    Eye for an eye... also boiling down to a "they deserved it" attitude.

    But I get what you mean about a socio. They perceive people as weak...but there are several disorders that have that trait and that one trait doesn't deem you socio, antisocial, etc.

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