I sat alone by meself with a cold, playing World of Warcraft. Its been the first time in about a month that I've taken any time to play. The fever made it more fun.
Well here's something to entertain you and everyone else here: www.gaiaonline.com/forum. This is without a doubt the gayest forum ever. Where members post how suicidal they are to get attention from furries and emos. They idolize japanese cartoon characters and Sephiroth is their god. Everything is bubbly pink or blinding white. Once you go there and read their shit, you'll know what has to be done.
I used to be innocent until I happened upon that place. And now my dick is where my Adam's apple used to be. All because of them.
Linkin Park fans are emo. The type of angsty fuck that whines about how their parents didn't pay enough attention to them and shit like that. Gaia is the place on the internet that they come to meet. Also Gaia has the largest forum on the internet I don't know how. 2 other forums are doing the best they can at making it very disgusting for them purely for entertainment. It fits with the kind of humor Fugly.com caters. I'm searching Fugly's archives right now for pictures of crack babies to post in one of their threads. I know I remember seeing a pic of a crack baby cyclops here before.
...and I get accused of being an internet troll just because I disagree with someone's political views... Barry
(googles "ball gag") AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! .....do people really do that? Sorry. I'll crawl back to the basement now. Barry