(McMinnville, Tennessee)-Elementary teacher charged with having sexual relationship with one of her students, a 13-year-old boy Any other guys here feeling nothing but envy for that boy? :twisted:
Sometimes it is hard to see the crime. I am sure it was not hard to convince the 13 year old to participate, but I bet it affects him negatively in the long run. Barry
You're probably right, he will end up going for the more 'mature' type of woman an later life and avoid girls of his own age like the plague. That's not such a bad thing is it?
That smile...those eyes... :shock: I don't think she'd be satisfied until she'd drained her hapless victim of every last drop of blood and spiritual essence, never mind jizz...
I'd hit it. The only hard part will be trying to get the boy to testify without a huge smile on his face. Fuck me imagine tellin that story to yer mates at the pub a few years down the road. The kid has got it made in the shade, everyone will hype him up, his hands will be sore from the constant onslaught of high fives from the white boys, and sore knuckles from "pounding" with da brothers. Girls will naturally gravitate towards him, in their 16 year old female brains they will be thinking, if he can please a woman like that, his tackle must be huge, and he can certainly please me. His dad must be proud and pissed at the same time, proud that his boy scored some crazy white pussy, older hot and still in her prime, just before she starts the decline down the hill, and pissed that he wasn't there first. I for one say Atta Boy!
Just as I suspected.... Additional details on the case just released: a nearby hospital's emergency room records document the appearance and treatment one morning of both the accused and the alleged victim for numerous contusions and abrasions on and around their respective genitals plus general fatigue and exhaustion. Investigators have tentatively concluded that the 13 counts of stat. rape alleged all occurred in the course of a single evening. :wink:
wow, first time i had sex it took me 15 minutes to put a condom on right... this kid had a 29 year old taken to the hospital for fatigue and rugburn
Ride the currents of the double standard! I have a friend that experienced something simular, and it fucked him up good. Anytime an authority figure abuses the trust of a minor its gonna be bad.
Christ Bungle! Don't go ruining a perfectly good chance for the boys to show what virile, 100% bonafide manly men they all are.
Hmm...don't see what you have to be jealous about, Nursey. If I've misjudged whatever sentiment you were expressing, I'm sure you'll correct me. I remember pretty well being 13. If I'd had I a phys ed teacher who looked like that woman, and had I somehow found myself scoring with her at all - much less 13 or more times - I'm quite sure I would've felt mysteriously, undeservedly blessed, not abused. And the only conceivable psychological damage on my part might be disappointment to some extent with subsequent peer-age couplings. Of course there's a sexual double-standard, and men think & work differently than women sexually, etc. Discussing/debating any of that obviousness would be as interesting as debating the color of grass. I'm just saying, recollecting my own frame of mind at that age, I'd have hit it, too, and kept hitting it for as long as I could.
The situation puts you at ah inherant disadvantage. A 13 year old human's motives for engaging in the act are going to be completely different than that of the older adult human. There's also a difference of level of understanding, cognitive ability and emotional well being. And its that differences that makes the situation wrong and potentially damaging. Sickem, have you considered how you would feel later, after advancing past a 13 year old thought process, about the situation, when your thoughts and understanding catch up with the act? I would agree society treats male and female sexuality differently, but I also feel there's an element of a self fulfilling prophecy involved here.
Your eyesight must be fine then. Something along the lines of humorous disdain...But then, "if the shoe fits" etc...
More apropos: how would I feel if it were my son? Can only imagine. A lot would depend on his reaction. Let's see her again: Yeah, I think that somehow he'd get over it with a little therapy. I could live with that.
Go to appreciate Whip's honesty here.... it is a brave thing when a man admits that he can ride a bucking bull longer than he can stay on a woman. Barry