Someone has got to make this student pay for being so stupid :twisted: Ello BTW nice forums 8)
A human billboard. Surprised that this kid lives in the UK. Selling your body for commercial use is so American. Barry
Judging from the atrocious spelling and grammar of his description, any further money spent on his schooling would be a waste. Funny - as tight as money allegedly is for him, it didn't keep him from picking up one of these. It would almost be worth bidding to see "I'm a ILITERATE MORONN thanx 2 XBox!" inked into his scrawny arm.
"Its your choice what you want on there, however racism, sexism etc and foul language will not be accepted but apart from that go crazy" He gutted any and all motivation to bid right from the get-go. No wonder no one would bid. If I can't pay to have goatse, I won't pay anything![/quote]
"We cannot keep importing foreigners who are, quite simply, better educated than our fellow citizens. There aren't enough low-level jobs to employ this growing army of illiterate, ignorant, and ill-prepared American graduates".... THIS IS WHY OUR BORDER WITH MEXICO IS STILL SO POROUS. and ig'nint bigots want us to build a berlin wall across the rio grande and cut our only supply of INTELLIGENT cheap labor. If not for illegal immigrants from the southern border of the US, not only would we not be able to afford the salad plate at any restaurant, but our society as we know it would simply break down. honestly, don't you think the reason we still haven't cracked down on the US/Mexico border after 911 even after we grounded air transportation for a week immediately following is because we know this? And hmmm....although we grounded planes, we didn't close our national borders north or south, now did we? Isolationism today of any shape or form isn't simply 'cutting of the nose to spite the face' it is sheer economic suicide. Besides, we need to just annex Mexico or invade it or somethin and get it over with. Seriously. Then we will begin to create schools over there that might have the benefit of learning from our past mistakes of economic (and historically racial) segregation. And then maybe this nation might not someday elect a leader who knows how to fiddle and then decide to set the whole motherfucking thing on fire. If we last that long.
I don't think it would be a bad thing. You have to think about how this guy will live out the rest of his life with a tatoo. Maybe "Mom" with a heart?