As a future medical professional I would say no it wasn't funny. As just myself I would say no it wasn't funny. Brain damage or death as a result of doing to many drugs just isn't funny. However a cop tazerizing a fuckn drunk 8 or 9 times is fuckn funny. This is one of the best fugly clips I have ever seen. I laughed so hard I almost laughed up part of my small intestine and some green shit came out of my mouth.
Oh yeah here is the link:
yea that was a funny video, but i dont think those kids were on drugs, more like being fuckin idiots and then getting what they had comming. i highly doubt that that was their first time at preforming that act.
I love the tazer video. I bet I have watched it 20 times. The other one is horrible. Some stupid kid messing himself up for life, if he even lived. Barry
It probably has something to do with the amateur nature of the video, but I can't for the life of me figure out just what the fuck he was trying to do.
they were hitting little kids on bikes with the car door my only problem with that id that they didnt hit a huge fucking truck, so all of them got fucked for life buncha motherfuckers, if i was that little kid on the bike id laugh my ass off
yea they were trying to knock of kids on bikes, cept the son of a bitch got slammed with a bumper to the face prolly at around 30mph + 20mph = about 50mph . so yea i doubt he lived and if he did hes got severe brain damage and very taumatic facial damage and reconstruction. but like i said, he had it commin cause i doubt that was the first time.
Say bye bye to Halo 2 say Hello to 9 piece puzzles and apple sauce. Maybe even a shitty coffin, id go for the apple sauce GO FOR THE GUSTO.
well actually the car he hit was parked, i know cause i watched mulletboy get his face pwned on it about 20 times good stuff :wink:
bahahaha well, I disagree, any retard can do the hokey pokey, I'd say, tying his shoes should consume at least an hour of his day
I dunno man, he got smacked right on the forehead. Frontal lobe damage can really fuck with you, exucitive function--goodbye! Chances are it was contralateral damage, meaning his brain bounced back and forth from the impact. The ocipital and peratial lobes could have had a lot of sheering going on . . . What I'm saying is gross motor control could be compromised.