Yup...this week and next week, will consist of the move out of the crappy hotel room, into a new apartment.
PM me your phone and addy when you get set up, Baltimore is easy for me to get too, unlike Philly, I get into Baltimore all the time....
werent you the one giving me a buncha shit about my comments on jews?? and your best friend is nazi guy? wow ps.no offense nazi guy
slightly off topic but schemd's sig reminded me...... am i the only one that thought napoleon dynamite was RETARDED
Actually I was scolding you for sounding like an idiot (which I also stated I didn't thihnk you were) by stereotyping all of the jews into one collective lump. And you don't know anything about Ulfur so be careful what you assume. Smiles you are one of a small group of people that didn't enjoty that movie, but it's ok, I won't hold it against you :wink: .
In defense of Smiles it may be a movie that contains culturally relevant humor. If you didn't go to high school in the US, or know about some of the American stereotypes, you would miss a lot the humor. My kids rented the movie and insisted that I watch it. I have to admit that I thought it was hilarious. If you take the movie as serious, I have to say it would be incredibly stupid. If you watch it with a eyes and ears for the incongruent, it is brilliant. It reminds me of the Movie "Raising Arizona." You just have to be in the right frame of mind to see all the subtle humor. I would never watch it twice, but once was worth the time once. Barry
i dont really know why i didnt think it was funny, when i think back in all respects it should have been funny... but it wasnt. I had heard such good things about it i kept expecting the hilarity to begin..... 20 minutes into it i had realised it just wasnt doing it no matter how hard i tried
Well, I know I thought it was funny, but I can't tell you why. It just struck me weird and I laughed the whole time. My wife on the other hand thought it was pretty stupid, she laughed a couple times, but her overall review was "ahh". It will end up being like a Rocky Horror picture show or a Howard the Duck and have a huge cult following in like 10 years. Hell one of the morning radio shows here plays audio clips from it all the time.
A bit... just take away Bueller's good looks, charm, social skills, girlfriend, the Ferrari and multiple subplots, and it's pretty much the same movie.