the king of the jungle! he eats and fucks and sleeps, when need be, he wakes up, bites the ass off an intruder and goes back to sleep kinda like me except i have to work..
theres a place like about an hour away from Miami called 'lion country safari' its basically a hundred something acre place,a replica of the african plains where they let you drive through and see all the animals which are running loose in the park,except for the elephants,its pretty damn cool imma see when I can go to take some pics
I'd have to say elephants are the animal that intrigue me the most. Are you saying ye don't like 'em Debbie?
its not that DR.nut fondle,the elpahants and the monkeys are the ONLY animals behind fences because they are too unpredictable.
I was trying to find a picture or video of an elephant taking a piss because thats my favorite shit to see at the zoo. All I came up with that post by the tard woman.
Yeah, I got that effect on the little ladies. They dig my shit. I been thinking about writing a childrns book. It's all about dealin with the dark things in life through representational yet symbolic art forms. You know lot's of unicorns and cows made into hamburger.
Well make sure you keep them the hell away from me. How many are there likely to be turning up to see your bloody thread anyway? Have you devised any strategy to round them all up and dump them elsewhere should they start forming into little packs in order to venture out into the rest of the forum and start up ~many more~ 'i love nature' type threads (each acting as homing :idea: beacons for droves more of the little squeaky voiced, gappy smiled bitches)? This could all get seriously out of hand and makes me very uneasy. Haven't you seen Lord of the Flies?
An elephant taking a dump is not impressive. However, an elephant taking a piss looks like a fire hydrant uncorked. I'd appreciate some video footage if you have it.