I was reading the CIA page about the UK today, and I had some questions. I did not want a biased answer from an American source, so I am asking here. These are CURIOUS questions, not ARGUMENT questions. 1. Why does the UK not have a written constitution? 2. Quote from Economics - "Over the past two decades the government has greatly reduced public ownership and contained the growth of social welfare programs" Why? What does this mean? 3. Why no national holidays? 4. What is the deal with a "Royal Family." The idea of any one family being better than others is appalling to Americans. Why are they special? I just am curious about these things. Barry
Big Brother is coming to dinner. They're just ahead of us in the effort to create a all-knowing all-powerful governemt. Sit back and enjoy the ride!
1. Why does the UK not have a written constitution? 2. Quote from Economics - "Over the past two decades the government has greatly reduced public ownership and contained the growth of social welfare programs" Why? What does this mean? 3. Why no national holidays? 4. What is the deal with a "Royal Family." The idea of any one family being better than others is appalling to Americans. Why are they special? In answer... 1. We invented the Law. 2. (a) Privatisation = More money for the public sector, less government hassle for the upgrade of the infrastructure, sell the assets to a private company and fine them millions if they fail to perform to target (b)The growth of the free market thus ensuring most bone-idle bastards have to work for a living. Unless they're mentally ill. 3. May Day, Spring Bank Holiday, I could go on... 4. The Bush Family? The Kennedys? Is the irony lost on you Barry?
Well, we didn't re-elect Bush Sr. after his first term. I know plenty of people that voted for Bush Jr, including me, but none of us like him. We just hated (or loathed) Kerry more. Today Bush Sr. is riding around in Texas in his old pickup truck just like all the other rednecks. After his term is over, W will be doing the same thing, except he will be drunk. The Kennedys are dead, except for Teddy, and he has marginalized himself to the point that he is a joke. As a matter of fact, he may get a Senate censure for the stunt he pulled yesterday. I just don't see the affection and enthrallment that the "Royal Family" enjoys, so I guess the irony is lost on me. I guess my question is "what authority, other than birth, entitles them to anything?" Can they be "voted out?" Do they have any real power as far as decision making and policy, or is the position just a figurehead? Again, this is not a political argument, I am just curious. Barry
well you could prolly count the top 2% of the nation as royal :? considering they have so much wealth and power....
See there? That is an insightful question. More proof that Dwaine is much smarter than your average felon! Barry
Well shit, the Bush daughters probably have as much money/properties endowed to them as the Royal family when Ol'e W goes. Also not every single person is a redneck, we have asians and blacks too. Last time I checked they didnt drive old trucks either :/. I think the who Queen thing is a joke, but England seems like a nice place to visit. On another note could I become a Cop in the UK and get a snazzy hat and club?
UK Questions The Brits invented the whole idea of a Constitution. It was called the Magna Carta, and if one has not read it in a long while, the genesis of the American Constitution is to be found within this document. It is one of the worlds most significant documents. Read it here:
They're not special; they have no power and are largely symbolic. They have lasted the last 50 years because of a fear in the UK of a Presidential system which is more like an absolute monarchy (as opposed to the UK's constitutional monarchy) than the UK's monarchy. They're basically there to fill a void and keep power in the House of Commons, amongst elected politicians, and away from power hungry dictator types.
For his contribution to British music... Sure, we can spout off the usual dribble about how he's a 'homo' etc... but I don't think he's too worried what a few neanderthals think about him or his tastes as he counts his hundreds of millions. Do you?
The CIA guide says there is no ONE national holiday. That's because the UK is seperated into 4 different countries, each with their own national days. St George's, St Andrew's, St David's (I think) and St Patrick's days.
amen... now go make me a sammich before I gives ya a smack ya' half a sissy... (name the actor and movie that came from and I will be impressed)