OK, I'll appologise now. Maybe I was a little misleading, but there's no way I'm sticking my cock into raw meat. God only knows what diseases I would catch.
Yes, See a Doctor. A Psychiatrist preferably. ...and that occassional click you hear on your phone? It's nothing. We use the parabolic dish in the van near your house.
Sorry, GAS. I had to get tough because you hurt my fat little feelings. Seriously though... you disappeared shortly after posting something about that kid. Was always curious about what happened, if anything.
He ended up dying from a heroin overdose, not from the booze I bought him. If it would have happened anywhere except Detroit I might have gotten in trouble, but it did and I'm not.
Jesus! Wasn't he like 15? Kids these days! Well, you disappeared shortly after that, so I thought maybe you were getting f-ed in the A somewhere. Started a thread sometime ago wondering what happened to you.
Actually, he was 19. It sucked because me and him were kinda friends, he had a shitty 19 years too. Fuckin sucks, I've buried 5 really close friends and family members over the last two years.
so Miss Pukestress, why are you having the MRI? Do you have a cyst again? I am ready to try that Depo already. My side is killing me, I can't take it anymore. Who else here is sick? Physically I mean.
not me.. it felt like i had the makings of a cold coming on but plenty of homemade soup put a stop to that.. i hope
My knees hurt constantly and being that I am a construction worker, that really sucks. My family has a history of getting early arthritis. So, I spend half my day limping around the shop. Nothing compared to a cyst or needing a MRI, Good luck to both of you btw.
Rob, my knees hurt when I over-use them too. What's really helped me is a MSM w/ Glucosamine supplement. Its supposed to help your body rebuild cartilage. I got a bottle of 'em at wally-world for way cheap.
I can attest to the wonders of Glucosamine as well. You must also take a copper supplement (usually a mulit-vitamin will have copper) to absorb the shit. Also take with lots of Southern Comfort.
To check for a pituitary tumor (Prolactinoma). My Prolactin level is high, but luckily I am not secreting milk from my breasts (yet) and I have to go to an endocrinologist as I am now out of my GP's expertise. My testosterone level was 86, which is also high. If I grow a beard, I swear I am getting electrolysis. So, if the tumor is benign, best case scenerio, meds. Worst case scenerio, trans-sphenoidal pituitary hypophysectomy. So has your cyst gotten bigger? You could have a laparoscopy and it would be gone. I only have two really small scars in the pubic region, he put the laparoscope through my bellybutton (instead of below), so you can't see that scar. The only really shitty part of the whole procedure was the recovery. The carbon dioxide dissolving hurt like hell. I just feel like Depo will fuck with you harder and you could have a lot more side effects from it. My side hurts too. I'd like to have an elective hysterectomy.
Have mercy, I don't think I could handle all the female pains. (kneels and thanks God once again that I was born male....) Barry
HOly shit! Lactatation and facial hair would suuuuuck. or make sucking better. Maybe the surgery is the way to go. NO more drugs needed that way. I can't do a lap surgery. I have a bunch of scar tissue and they can't manuever around it. I havent had another ultrasound so I have no idea how big it is, but they are thinking i have endo as well. if i have a hysterectomy, i would need HRT, and if i could tolerate hormones i would just go on the pill. So it's Depo or suffer and I am sick of suffering. i hope your brain comes out okay.
Seriously, if that happens, grow a beard and bear your breasts for the camera... you would be an instant internet celebrity. Then when you get electrolysis no one would recognise you.