OSLO, Norway - President Bush (news - web sites)'s "Hook 'em, 'horns" salute got lost in translation in Norway, where shocked people interpreted his hand gesture during his inauguration as a salute to Satan. That's what it means in the Nordics when you throw up the right hand with the index and pinky fingers raised, a gesture popular among heavy metal groups and their fans in the region. "Shock greeting from Bush daughter," a headline in the Norwegian Internet newspaper Nettavisen said above a photograph of Bush's daughter Jenna, smiling and showing the sign. For Texans, the gesture is a sign of love for the University of Texas Longhorns, whose fans are known to shout out "Hook 'em, 'horns!" at sporting events. Bush, a former Texas governor, and his family made the sign to greet the Longhorn marching band as it passed during the inaugural parade through Washington during Thursday's festivities, explained Verdens Gang, Norway's largest newspaper. === Norway _is_ the home of black metal - "The story of Norway's Mayhem, though, makes Emperor look like Limp Bizkit. In fact, many of the non-musical crimes of Mayhem, who used dead animal carcasses as stage decorations, were apparently attempts to outdo Emperor. Which they did: lead vocalist Dead became just that in 1991, shooting himself in the head in the apartment he shared with his bandmates. When the rest of the band got home, they took a photo of Dead, which they used on the cover of a subsequent album, while their drummer made a necklace out of fragments of Dead's skull and their guitarist, Euronymous, cooked and ate pieces of his brains in a stew. Euronymous later met his own death at the hands of the band's bassist, Count Grishnackh, who, jealous over Euronymous' more evil reputation, stabbed the guitarist to death while he was in his underwear, inflicting 23 different knife wounds. When the police arrested the murderer, they found in his house enough dynamite to blow up a large church, which Grishnackh planned to do on an upcoming religious holiday." Rock-n-roll. Live it. Breathe it. ObPlug: _Lords of Chaos_ is a fascinating read. How new Aryanism has developed. Forget skinheads. These guys are the real deal. Note to Robert Anton Wilson groupies: "inflicting 23 different knife wounds" _ALWAYS_ 23. It is a constant. Like Avagadros number. 6.02x10^23 Start looking for 23 in your lives. It gets creepy. [cunt]
I thought this was quite amusing...this is just a small excerpt. Satan Displays Bush 'Hook 'em' Hand Gesture; Is The Devil a UT Fan Too? ...Additionally, people still seem to think the signal is solely the 'hook 'em horns' UT symbol. We know this to be true but this doesn't answer our primary questions. 1) If the symbol denotes Texas football or UT, why are people like Silvio Berlusconi and Bill Clinton doing it too? They have no links with Texas. 2) Why are the Bush family so obsessed with the signal, displaying it dozens of times during both the inauguration an the evening ball? A few times maybe we could accept, but why this many? What has Texas sports got do with a national inauguration? We have now uncovered photos where the gesture is used in a clearly Satanic context. This is an album cover by the rock band Dio. The album is called Holy Diver. Dio's singer is former Black Sabbath frontman Ronnie James. The Satan character is clearly displaying the same hand signal. Is he a fan of the Texas Longhorns too? This is a photo of an apparent Satanic ritual. We are yet to find the source. The diablo symbol is clear again. WOW - even King Abdullah and Putty Pute are fans, everybody's doing it! Go Long Horns!
I am in awe of your research. May I kiss your sneakers ? Thats truly creepy. How does something like that ... Forget it. "I am the antichrist, all hope is lost", Slayer [cunt]
It just does, my feisty little pussy. Here's one i spotted in the inauguration pics... "The "Bowman" exalts the horns of Satan over the 3 fingers of the Trinity. "The Sign of Nimrod" or "Sign of the Bowman" the position of one's fingers to draw back the string on a bow. In the Bible the bow symbolizes wicked men. Genesis 10:8-9, 21:20, 27:3, Psalms 11:2, 37:14, Jeremiah 51:1-3, Ezekiel 39:3, Revelation 6:2"
[cunt] "race you to be worm food"[/quote You are pretty fucking evil, aren't you? I imagine a cunt like you doing stuff like fucking your dog before hacking off its head with a chainsaw in order for it's convulsing body to bring your demonic, angry penis to almighty gushing orgasm as fountainous jets of doggy blood shower the whole room! [/quote] Feh. Thats for teenagers. Corpse-fucking. Cheaper. Easier. All you need is a shovel. And best of all, the cunts don't talk back. [cunt]
I am actually a Longhorn fan, but I don't worship Satan. I didn't realize it was a friggin requirment. If that is the case how come we haven't beeaten OU in like 5 years??? They must have god on their side, son of a bitch. :twisted: HOOK 'EM HORNS :twisted: