[from a mailing list] XXXXX wrote: > On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 11:48:06 -0500, XXXXX wrote: > >> In case anyone has missed the joy that is tard-blog. >> http://www.tard-blog.com/archives.html > > This is by far one of the funniest things around. > > For example, the teacher writes: > "I am in my room, waiting for my 11:00 group to show up for math. It > is 11:09, I begin to wonder where they are. Then I remind myself that > they are retarded, and stop wondering." And - "NO SHIT--HE BROKE MY FUCKING HAND!" Make no mistake - reetards are superhumanly strong. I wonder if some university parasite has ever studied it. When I was ~ 11, I was sent to a thing called OC school. "Opportunity Class". They gave you a test in grade 4 and if you made the mistake of looking too smart, they uprooted you from your comfortable school environment into a strange school with a whole bunch of other kids equally as bewildered as you. They made you write poetry and build paper mache caves and star in Unicef fundraising plays etc. It went for 2 years and then they threw you back into the regular school system, where, branded as propeller heads, the only priority you had was to avoid violent confrontation. Alone, as all your old friends had vapourised. Out of 30 of us I know of, there are 5 suicides and 5 junkies. Also a few male and female hookers, surviving the only way they can because a regular job is too confusing. The rest of us have simply lost contact with each other, with no interest in sharing old memories and are probably leading lives as fucked up as mine. Not a bad strike rate if you were deliberately plotting social and psychological implosions of a bunch of 11 year old kids. Even Mengele didn't think of stuff like this. There's some cunt in a high paying education department job that thought all of this was a GOOD IDEA. But I digress. One of our colourful "activities" was to visit a reetard special school. The horror. Apart from the ever present feces and drool was the threat of random, instant violence. These reetards, no bigger than me, could pick up a 50 kg armchair and hurl it 20 feet across the room if you did something serious, like hand them the wrong crayon. It was scary, scary stuff. To this day, I observe any reetard I meet with an equal mixture of amusement and terror. Just keep the fucking things the fuck away from me. > Priceless stuff. Indeed. And some assholes STILL object to genetic screening of foetuses. The should do some hard time with reetards. [cunt]
You seem to have a fetish with retards cuntface seeing as you mention em in almost every post,is there something your not telling us??
That's because REETARDS don't have anything of interest to SAY and just WAVE THEIR DICKS in FUTILE DISPLAYS OF POWER. Besides, reetards take it up the ass, and then the cops don't believe them. That's value. Does your pooper hurt BTW ? Regards, [cunt]
Why cuntafec do you want my 'pooper' to hurt??? is this like pulling the girls pigtails in school cos you can't figure out how to tell em you love em??
cunt kindly stop.... your rants lack both originality and every aspect of wit, you've been milking this reetards bullshit for far too long... you're like a pathetic trailer trash kid trying to bring back mullets
wow, i never met a person that physicly fears retards ive met a few mongoloids in my days, there was even this mongoliod couple that used to come into my stor regularly, when i had one thet were really nice and also fun for me to look at
That's very interesting stuff cunt. Never heard of this opportunity class shit. For me it was the reverse. I flunked the 11th grade from a "traditional" school and then got put in a regular public school which consisted of kids from both the worst and the best neighborhoods. How did the school manage this you ask? Well they created "special classes" for the "retarded" otherwise known as the kids fromt the housing projects and bad areas of town. Well having flunked out of the 11th grade due to not attending hardly any classes and not turning in any homework. I wrote my own sick notes and signed my parents name. I was paddled every fukn day for being late as I was given the option of being paddled or staying for detention. Pretty soon they stopped paddling me. I think it was because they thought I liked it. I was eighteen and it probably looked more like some kind of weird homo sadomasochist shit than disciplinary action. When I got to the new school they naturally thought I was retarded as I had flunked the 11th grade. So they put me in a class full of bros. Well these bros weren't as retarded as you might think because they were smart enough to see that I wasn't retarded. I would be doing my assignment and there were 3-4 bros leaning in to copy off my paper while the teacher just ignored fukn everything and slumped in his seat reading the fukn paper. Anyhow. I finally went to college after fuking around a long time where I made mostly A's after having determined a reason why I should try to do well in school namely make some money and now I am a medstudent. So I guess the secret of doing well is to not burn yourself out to early.