Don't you start too, there is no reason whatsoever to racially profile any people in such a vast way, some people are assholes others are not, I guess it's your perogative if you want to sound like a moron calling people kikes, niggars, wops, etc etc...and no I don't mean to not use those words, a joke is a joke, but it is pretty easy to tell when someone isnt't joking.
barry... semetics are the people from the middle east region... arabs are.. most israelis aren't... most are white, of european descent... there's quite the history of arabic jews being treated as lower class citizens while white jews get all the cream did you read up on the jewish black panthers as i suggested??
schmed.. though i can't say i'm comfortable with his delivery, and he has probably arrived at his destination by a path of intolerance... he is still right about some things...
Hey I wasn't saying he was wrong, I was just saying what you just pretty much said, that's all. Maybe I should of explained it better when I first said anything.
Did anyone else notice how immediately after I created this post the Cold Cokcers jumped in quickly to try to snuff out any opposition? OD indeedy. Hey, here's some advice. Stop being such defensive little pansy-asses. You can't be afraid of a little criticism now and then. It's how we all grow and learn. We know you're all smart people. We get it. Stop trying to defend your intelligence at the click of every key. I'll help you out. You're so smart Barry and Schmed and Nursey! There, now you guys can print this out and hang it on your monitor and show your friends you BVs.
Should you ever want to feel totally inferior, click here. I am one of the moderators. Barry
I think you are the one feeling inferior otherwise you wouldn't being joining shit like that and then start posting here about how smart you are.
IT WAS A JOKE. TAKE TWO CHILL PILLS. My God, I wet the bed until I was 12 years old and failed Freshman algebra 2x. Does that sound like someone who thinks they are superior to everyone? I don't think I have ever boasted of brilliance. Barry
I don't know. They let me join without asking for proof of anything. A 138 ? That is 99 percentile I believe. But I think they really just want schizoids and schizotypals that live in University basements. Since you have a personality, and a real life, you may not qualify. Barry
oh well i didnt wanna deal with smart ass assholes who know the sqaure root of 54billion anyways. smart people have a problem with being complete cunts /dicks. all the kids in K classes, the creame` of the crop having to maintain a 80 or above in highlevel classes, the highest are "gifted and talented", well almost every one were complete fucks cause they thought that a high GPA and IQ automatically made you better than every one else. what do you mean by 99 percentile? you mean kinda like in A beautiful mind?
If you really scored a 138, that means you are in or near the 99th percentile. One out of every 114 people will score that high. Anything in the top 2% is considered a genius. This forum has some really bright regulars. Even the dipwads are much brighter than average. Look here for an explaination. I scored a 196 when I was only two years old.(My mother told me that, I don't remember anything except the beatings.) I've lost about three points a year since then. I'm 45 now, so you do the math. I soon will be drooling. Barry
Let's see 54 billion is 54 million million or 54 times ten to the twelth and the square root of 54 is 7.35 so the square root of 54 billion is 7.35 times ten to the sixth power.
what? so you didnt know arabs are semits too? am i supposed to be surprised youre a dumbass trying to sound smart by pointing out thing everyone already knows? you talk about genocide that happened 50 years ago, im telling you about shit that is happening right now back then the in thing was to hate jews and kill them, people like you hated jews then now its in to hate arabs and people like you hate them and for the rest of you, am i supposed to care if you think im an idiot? i already think 99,9% of you all are idiots, it would only be fair if you thought i was an idiot too :wink:
check this out: from that page, here are their enemies:Negroids, Arabs, Muslims and Gooks notice how jews arent there, and arabs are? twice! (arabs, muslims) and its not only in the us, here in europe, nazis dont hate jews much anymore, guess why? torture is legal in israel, did you know mr cerebral? thats the only country in the world were torture is legal, ok? it happens everywhere, but only in israel is it legal juews are now the worst kind of facists around, unfortunatly, and i wouldnt call them kikes if they didnt do shit like that, ok schmell?