How about - "Bash America and Israel" or "Nuts and Dolts" I will not vote for "Whip's World" or "Nursey's Nirvana" I like "Cold Sober". It works fine as a name. Barry
whats wrong with bashing israel? theyre evil! evil i tell you!! and maericans who wanna help them are either stoopid or kikes themselves :twisted:
I like over-sensitive nauseating bleeding vagina glue sniffers and other assorted trash or OSNBVGSOAT for short.
Because.... Horus is functionally illiterate. Asking him to educate himself about the greatest atrocity in history is about like asking Anna Nicole Smith to stop being a bimbo. The resources for success are just not there. Besides that, taking the time to read something educational would interfere with his wanking. Barry
what is this holocaust thing you speak of? i am the only one in the univerese who hasnt heard of it yet i said it before and ill say it again, you are a very special person for knowing about such obscure things im tired of hearing about that shit, i wasnt alive then, what the fuck do they want me to do about it? but they do know how to use it to get away with whatever they want becauses fuckwits like yourself will go AAAAHHH, so they killed a little arab girl, oh well, they still suffred worse back in ww2 you fucking kike ass-stain im tired of the word anit-semit those arabs have more semitic blood in them than the jews now, so by defenition the biggest anti semits are the jews themselves not that i love arabs or anything, but if youre gonna mr PC bleeding heart asshole you might wanna look that way, cause what the nazis did to jews, the jews are doing to arabs, RIGHT FUCKING NOW!! idiot
Horus, just chill out a little that's all, we got along in past posts, and I know you are not an idiot, but these types of posts arn't helping you any.
"Horus that bores us" wrote "those arabs have more semitic blood in them than the jews now, so by defenition the biggest anti semits are the jews themselves Thanks for another addition to my collection of "when the truth confronts, absurdity is sure to follow" examples. The book will be out soon. I guess "tolerance" continues to be a one way street. Barry