you know, I am the first to chirp in on dick jokes, make fun of the less fortunate, and point and laugh at a retarded kid shitting himself, but recently, Just watching the footage on CNN, I am really aghast and shocked at the flood in Asia. Seriously, there is this one video clip, they keep showing, and every time I see it. I get a lump in my throat. I am sure most of you have seen it, its a camera in Phuckett, witnessing a group of say 20 Asians clutching onto a floating bus, as the muddy, brown turngent water sloshes around, and the current sucks away 4 children from the group, and you hear squeals turn to gurgles. I always thought CNN had a bit of respect, and dignity to not over sensationalize a story to the needs of showing this video, over, and over. I guess I was wrong. Is it me, or is this really shameful? Should I have feelings like this? Its angst, and fear, and shock awe rolled in one. If I prayed my prayers would be with them... Well thank you guys for letting me vent.
Well what do you know. Dwaine actually has a child's heart other than the ones he keeps in jars in his basement. Seriously - Dwaine you asked the question a few weeks ago, "will I ever be normal?" Feeling what other people feel (empathy) is a human virtue of the highest order. I think the ability to "feel what others feel" is the key to all of us, (and the world for that matter) being healthy mentally. It is "normal" to be shocked at upset at the misery of others. Most people repress the urge to feel the pain of others because it is unpleasant or because they feel helpless to help them. I think empathy is what makes us feel alive, and gives meaning and purpose to our lives. You said felt an urge to pray for them. I don't think that hurts anything. Even if God is not real, the feelings and concerns that are expressed in praying for these people is real. Good vibes, if you will, can't hurt. Thanks for not being obnoxious all the time. You have a good heart hidden underneath all the BS. Barry
Most of us already knew he had a heart. I agree with ya Dwaine and you said it best when you said. "If I prayed my prayers would be with them... " I can't imagine the devastation, fear and grief that these people have experienced. No breathing being should ever have to go through something so horrible. There's too much sadness in this world.
I made a $300 inside out triblal bubbler, and sold it today, ever single penny I got $300 was donated to the Amazon redcross relief fund... i think you should all do the same. Even itf its just a dollar, its a dollar that helps
You can also donate to the animals here:
That definetly sucks having a good portion of your country killed in a day( and family members, friends, etc.). Patrick Swayze in Point Break said it best: "Every once in a while Mother Nature lets us know how small we really are."
if i wasnt so poor i would donate money, the only thing i can really give is clothes, and ive already gave that.
last i heard the US was giving 35 million to help and France was giving $126,000. Someone at the UN called the US stingy. What a douchebag.
As much as i moan about America i hate the French even more.Rat USA are giving £350 million as far as i know now, whatever the reasons for the increase it will do alot of good.
I think the worst thing must be the not nothing.I was reading on the BBC webpage about a lady who has lost 3 children and she is going out everyday just searching for them. I can't imagine that pain of losing a child and not being able to say goodbye. :cry:
I wonder why Japan didn't send 1500 of their finest soldiers and military helicopters to help like the US did? (I know the answer! It is for the same reason that Germany didn't.) Barry
barry can u not give credit where credit is due... would honestly kill you to admit that someone is being more generous then the allmighte Uh Es uf Eh..... my goodness 1500 of their finest soldiers and helicopters are chilling in iraq, i usualy ignore the little semi-subliminal add ins during your posts which at best qualify as propaganda... and you call nursey a terrorist for spreading missinformation?
You missed the humor. Due to Japans aggressions in WWII, they have to have a legislative order to send any troops outside their own country. They also are not allowed by international law to field or train an army for any purpose other defense. Ha. Barry
Jesus, Barry. You don't pass up on any opportunity to deride some other country in the hope that it will make America look just that much better, will you? Japan gave 500 Million dollars to help and all you can point out is that they didn't send any of their military. Maybe they're too busy with this little mess:
yesterday one of my best friends, a marine stationed in japan, was sent to shri lhanka to help with recovery. hes is getting paid extra- hazard pay because they say there is a lot of civil war breaking out, not to mention the tigers. supposedly all the tigers are out eating the dead bodies. his higher ups have warned that this may be mentally worse than fighting in iraq- which he is sceduled for in april. i cant even imagine. and you guys arguing over whose helping more- its really insignificant, point being people are fucking helping. personally id rather have some jap over there scopping up the pieces than my friend- but it has to be done.
From the article referenced above concerning Japan's involvement in Iraq - "This is Japan's first military mission since 1945 in a country where fighting is underway. Japan's pacifist constitution does not allow the soldiers to carry out combat roles." Barry