I only came into this thread to see if the comment Barry posted mentioned me. I see he's starting to manufacture stuff now in order to mention me in threads that have no relevance or interest for me. If you are Barry's wife reading this, please get him some help soon before he goes completely off the rails. :|
OH MY GOD, SHE IS RIGHT! I got Nursey confused with Nauseous! "Quotes Nauseous - My dog just bit me in the face and now he's chewing up a toy. For real, he bit me and there's a little blood. fucker." My profuse apologies to Nursey. FYI - It is not her dog I am controlling, it is her camera. It is OK to joke a little in the "freedom of speech" category isn't it? Does everything have to be a serious depressing conspiracy? I hope not. (moderator, please add two bonus points to my permanent record for being man enough to admit that I made a mistake.) Score -= Barry Right 206. Barry Wrong 1 Happy New Year. Barry
[quote="Dwaine Scum"} Obviusly, you have never owned a pitt bull... Please just like shut up and shit out another few dozen mullatos for us to have to pay for with our taxes[/quote] actually dear, i have my 93 lbs pit laying on my feet as we speak. he loves my little mullato child as i have taught her to respect him- but if we ever encounter your dumbass -linus here will have you pissin yourself, trust me. oh and a bouvier is kinda like a giant schnauzer- theyre about 250 lbs- the females males are usually about 280, all depends on the quality of the breeders. theyre massive black shaggy terriers, gentle as with most large dogs, and fun to ride on.
Okay. The breed description of bovier says 60 to 90 lbs. I'm am sure you are aware that the English Mastiff is the heaviest and most massive breed in existence in addition to being one of the best looking as in noble looking dogs. The mastiff is one of the few if not the only dog to break 200 lbs on a regular basis for dogs that are not obese. In addition "riding" any dog is fuking dog abuse unless it is a very light little kid. It could cause the dog to slip a disc and compress the spinal cord or contribute to arthritis of the vetebral column. NO FUKNING RIDING DOGS DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/bouvierdesflandres.htm