It's kinda pretty, but I hate cold weather because I think about all of the bad things that go along with it. Hmm... I may not be able to get out of my driveway, therefore, I can't leave for work at 3AM tomorrow morning. That would be a real shame. :twisted:
I miss the cold ass winters I used to have in Wisconsin, sounds wierd but it was always cool to look out of the window in the morning reading the paper and sippin coffee while the outside world was on freeze up, trees covered with snow and ice, icicles hanging from the eaves, and everything was just calm, quiet and still as hell...
We don't get snow in manchester,we don't get sun,frost,or anything just rain fucking loads of rain all the time its fucking dismal.oh yeh and we get wind too.
lucky you, doesnt snow in houston, too close to the gulf i believe. funny though it snows in central mexico
It was 22 degrees this AM on the Gulf Coast of LA (Lower Alabama). Everything that was not killed by Hurricane Ivan is now dead from frost. All the snowbirds who come down here from Michigan are pissed, and wanting a refund on their condos. I don't even own a coat. Not to worry though, it will be back to 75 degrees (with 100% humidity) by Christmas. Happy icicles everyone. Barry
What a lovely description of winter, Schmed! A+ I just think about people who can't afford to stay warm and all of the animals out there freezing and it makes me sad. I also hate warming up my car after work every morning. You can't go anywhere or do anything and there are accidents galore. I love spring and fall and like summer, but I hate winter.