Has anyone ever had a deep fried turkey? We were supposed to have one this year but the people who were gonna bring the turkey deep frier over flaked and just barbequed their bird instead.
thats just for people in a damn hurry to eat,just make sure you do it outside and make sure youre not on a wood deck or any type of flooring that can catch fire
yumm Actually, I've heard that deep fried turkey tastes great. We have a turkey deep fryer here but have yet to try it out.
The other main thing is to not forget that the Turkey will displace alot of the oil. So check it with water first or prepare for a hell of a fire.
Yeah, carve a huge block of ice in the shape of a turkey and dunk it into the hot oil first to make sure none of the oil spills. That's probably the safest thing to do. Do it indoors too, next to the lacy drapes. :shock:
WANKEEEEE! Tossynadcumgobslot pissygibble shatbapbollockknockyarseflap sodbarf argiebargie nookie-in-the-turdpot sissydribble tit-tat-tottyslotty EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! *Breaks into hearty rendition of 'I've got a luvverly bunch of coconuts!' and 'my old man's a dustman' whilst doing endearing chicken-waddle action with bent arms and knees.* Good to see you too, GASSY! Where the hell have you been!?!!
I've been drunk alot and not near a computer. Thanks for the hearty welcome back though. It's good to breath that Fugly air again...
Those kinky ass European dudes, we Americans could learn something from them. Duct tape+submissive nurse type chick= good times.