Met a a few pretty cool Aussies that can play some serious pool. Had a big ass negro hold the money while they played. Mofos brought there own sticks tot the bar. I never bring my own stick to a bar. You bring your own stick to a bar and shoot a bad game you are as good as dirt. Anyway, I was ready to try and kick their ass back to Australia but by 4 am I was too drunk to play any serious pool. They wound up playing some guy who claims to gamble for a living. Yeah right. Anyway he can shoot some stick and I wound up beating him about the same amount of times he beat me before I was too drunk to play. Then the Aussie played him for twenty bucks and his buddy the other Aussie didn't know he was playing for money and came in and started heckling him in the last shots of the game and he wound up losing. Both these mofos brought their own sticks. So the Aussie wound up losing to this Kentucky redneck hillbilly who is a pretty good player. One of the Aussies friends held the money. He was a big Black dude from Europe and he gave the nasty ass look as he was shoving the money into the redneck Kentukians hands. All and all was pretty entertaining. Anyway, Kentucky ain't too bad. Come on by some time and I will play you some pool beotches.
Aussies, as in Austrailians? I don't think they are considered euro. I may be wrong, but I doubt it. So see, your theory is wrong Euros are still bad
Yeah, I wonder why Australians become Europeans after a night of drinking too much? Could a been a Brit in there with them somewhere though. Maybe thats it.
You'll be happy to know that I may add another installment next weekend depending on how liquored up I get.
I was going to respond but then I realised that Dan was referring to Aussies as 'European' so I thought I'd let his hangover wear off before I corrected him. I'll read Chapter 2 though.