Here is the story, Dwaine is a fat niggar lover, The Puke girl is a psycho, Schmed is a fag, Nursey is a twiggy theorist, Pimp is a lapdog, UT is a ball toucher, Lomo is a homo, Ulfur is a wannabe, Ratty is a man, Rez is a wallabe aboriginee ,did I miss anyone?? Oh Dweebo is cool, I like him. The rest of you are fags!!!
no one said anything about me... has it been that long? you couldve called me ahhhhh ummm potato or something/
I swear, for some reason I think of Hank Lu as being like that William Hung dipshit. *Ponders for a moment...."If a Chinese person has Down syndrome, how the fuck can you tell?"*
What about me aint i worth slagging off,and how come if you hate everyone in this forum so much then why are you still ere???
No you are not worth slagging off you fucking asslicker. Furthermore, you bunch of wankers need to drink a nice big cup of piss you fucking sods. Dam losers. Eat a bowl of fuck.