whats up with all the "moderator, delete please" stuff? im guessing rats ass tool got perma banned cool, but what did crazy gideon do? and why mod guy, when you were at it, did you not also ban pornstar fuzzbunny and jessicainca too? also, my thread about asstool got deleted too, but hey, as long as he is banned, problem solved!
chink? as in a gook? he posted a buncha pics of some gay looking nerd, i thought he was pissed at everybody here cause someone called him a fag or something anyways, good to know he is gone
i just read the "put your detective hat on" thread in your face miss piggy, accusing me of being that fucking retard you must feel like a dumbass now well at least dumber than usual
I gathered that, numbnuts. I karate-chopped you anyway. Because I hate you. No go die quickly and painfully, biotch!
Anybody got some independent verification that Reiz is actually a girl and not a metrosexual posting gayass web blogs (what I came up with after doing a search for the name Reizvolles) http://22blog.com/reizvolles/?cat=1
Not really coz you are as much as a cunt as he was and posted the same boring shit, so i assumed you must be one and the same as it was hard to believe there was more than one twat who could be quite so anal retentive.But lucky ol us , we had two of turds posting.And still have one of you.
Yes, I am a metrosexual posting gay blogs, you wanker. I found DangerousDan on gaypornblog.com with a search on google. That MUST be you. Don't assume anything you tosspot. Enough people on here know who I am. You, on the other hand can assume what you like. Like I give a fuck.
You don't sound like any girl I've ever heard. Of course maybe they are all locked up and I have just not been exposed to them.
I was born and raised in the country for 17 years. Maybe that explains alot about me and my ill-manneredness? hehe Seriously, though. A few people in here can vouch for my "authenticity".
Well I can vouch that Australian men are verging on being Neanderthal. The women on the other hand are 100% certified Neanderthal.
amazing how miss piggy can talk so much with a her mouth full of my shit didnt your momma teach you its not polite to talk with your mouth full? of course your gonna talk some shit, now that youre revealed for dumb, easily decived piece of maggot shit that you are and to rai-ze-volle our horny female rabbit i say: karate chop all you want, i doubt id even notice