I like the idea of this forum

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Dwaine Scum, Nov 26, 2004.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    It's a cool idea, and I hope we can have some intellectual banter here, instead of the usual retarded gibberish.

    Here is a question I was actually wondering:

    All on-line personas aside, are there any charities you give too (financially, or man-hour time wise) and why?

    Secondly, if you wanted me, or anyone else to give to this charity, how could we, and why should we?

    If I get any replies, maybe Ill talk about the charities I work with
  2. Rat's Tool

    Rat's Tool Guest

    I give money to the GDA, guide dogs of America. It cost around 20k to train on of those dogs to help the blind. I wish I had the time and room to be one of those puppy trainers, although I don't think I will be willing to hand over the dog when the time comes. I been to some of those dog graduation and I seen whole families cry.
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    yeah I bet that would be diffacult, rasing a dog, and working with it, then just having to hand it over, albeit to a good cause..
  4. smiles

    smiles New Member

    i know this barely counts but i give blood... or should i say gave blood.... i had an experience where they took 2 bags from me, i didn't actually see them take because the bag was blocked form my view but the guy who was beside me told me after i almost passed out,
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I do some occasional work at the D.C. Food Not Bombs and contribute to punkvoter.com whenever I can, I work to much and make to little to actually give anyone money though.
  6. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Shit, that's me.
  7. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Holy shit! that’s a lot of plasma... Now that I think of it, I give blood once a year, I guess that’s charity also. The big one I am working with this year is, shop with a cop in Wake County NC. My dad is the Chaplin of the Wake County Fraternal Order Of Police , and the "shop with a cop" program is his passion. Every year he raises funds, and donators, ect to donate time, money, resources for needy kids at Christmas. This year, I had no idea what to get him for a gift, he told me he wanted me to make a donation to the program, and So I did, and also raised a few corporate sponsors to donate, with my little effort, 26 more kids are going in the program ($100 per kid).. So, I implore everyone in this crappy forum board, to take a little time, just 30 lousy minutes, and do something for someone else. Even if you are flat broke, you can pick up a phone book, and make a few phone calls to make a big business just donate to a charity of your choice.

    This year mine are the Shop with a cop, and I also donate a lot of time, and money to the local animal shelter (Johnston County ASPCA)

    Well that’s enough ranting from my lard ass..
  8. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member


    Soldiers, Sailors, Airmens Family Association. £10 ($15) a month.
  9. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

  10. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I donate to the Guide Dogs for the Visually Impaired Association of Queensland, and the Royal Childrens Hospital Foundation, Brisbane.

    Now, Why? Firstly, my best friend is visually impaired and she has an awesome guide dog called Champ. I know exactly how important Champ is to her, and how much it would have cost to train a dog to do the things they do. They are so damn smart. Secondly, because I loved children (I am sure that will go down well with Dwaine). It's probably the motherly instict coming out. I hope to get into bed with Schmedly some day and make 20 babies with him.
  11. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    You're not Asian enough for Schmed. Granted, you know about computers, and you're probably great at math, but that doesn't make you Asian.

    And so I don't get off topic, I do what I can to support a couple different cancer research organizations. Not for any specific reason other than I just wanted something to support. One day I'll get Parkinsons and become a huge proponent for that.

    I know a few people who had/have cancer. The ones I know who had it all beat it except for one who's still fighting. It's a horrible goddamn thing to get.
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I work for a non-profit organization, isn't that enough?

    I swear, everybody has their greedy, fucking grubby paws stretched out looking for a handout these days like it's my fault their mom shot heroin in her third trimester. I don't like charities as a general rule because I don't trust them. Anytime you involve people or money in an equation, you're going to have corruption.

    I do, however, help support a few needy folks, most notably this homeless guy that lives close to my store. In the past two years I've hooked him up with a bicycle, clothes, pairs of boots, backpacks, food, tents, blankets, books to read, supplies, etc., (hell, even a mechanical metronome) - but never any money. I provide him with shit he needs to survive and to sustain the occasional job he gets.

    Enough of this shit, though... time to target practice on a few neighborhood strays... ;)
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    "It's a horrible thing to get."

    It's also a huge profit making industry...for some...and in most cases, the treatment is as hazardous or even more so than the illness itself. (I read that in a survey, most doctors and consultants in the field wouldn't take the treatment themselves or advise their families to if they discovered they had cancer...and that it was difficult having to advise patients to undergo it when they didn't even believe in it themselves!) And as with other huge industries, profit is top priority...taking precedence over all else to the detriment of joe public and to the benefit of fat Cheney-type dicks. $$$ :twisted: $$$
    And the last thing the stock holders need is everyone discovering miracle cures...which is why anytime someone has discovered something, they have been ridiculed and rejected by Science magazines, had government funds stopped, and in at least one case that i know of...had themselves and their family threatened and their lab smashed up! I'll have to look the exact details up, but i'll post them when i get round to it.
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    chemotherapy... mmmmm... thousands of lovely dollars per treatment...
  15. Coma White

    Coma White New Member

    I'm waiting to be aproved for giving blood right now,and on the side form time to time I help raise money for different causes, the last time was for building a school in village in Chile.
  16. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    i used to give to poor/homeless/down-on-thier-luck people, till i had too mand instances where i see contradictions in what they solicited. came up to a guy askin for food, was
    so i stop to get me something to eat and i decide id do something nice and get him a hamburger too. i pull up next to him and offer him the burger and hes say
    so i told him fuck you ill i give to some one who needs it bitch , and drove off. i dont feel sorry for it cause i saw him the next day with the same sign, and in that area there is a ton of traffic so i know he made enough to eat at the olive gardin while swollowing wine like shots.
    but i have given to charitys, red cross salvation army chruches even though i dont like them schools ect.
  17. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Well, I have cancer right now, that means thanks to these money grubbing fat chaieny types, I should be anti-establment and suffer? maybe just crawl away and die? Charity is charity period...
  18. baconbob

    baconbob New Member

    I lika do da cha cha :!:
  19. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Strike one.
  20. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    can that be strike 2?

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