If I were you I would be hoping that Fugly doesn't make a fucking cent out of this website. As you pointed out earlier on, this is a commercial website - it is Fuglie's business on which he depends for income. Punitive Damages 1. Fraud - Multiple account names 2. Malice - You are a self confessed troller, you came here with the purpose of causing trouble 3. Opression I for one am deeply distressed at the occurances on these forums lately. I have needed to rest because of the troubles cause by Hank Lu and have visited this forum less than I usually would. This has probably resulted in less visits to this website and has probably caused the commercial value of this site to lower in value from the context of sponsors.
DangerousDan :I have caller ID and it shows up as private but I asked the local PD for thier assistance. Thankfully, I was called again while they were aware so its just a matter of time. Someone with common sense would not break thier own promise of anonymity by posting my IP. They would simply ban me and all my IDs or say that they matched. Posting my IP knowing full well that the user expected total anonymity does not make any sense to someone who is not biased. Remember, these are not my rules. I will repeat this again... Fugly.com promised total (not partial or anything otherwise) anonymity. Because of this promise users come here and rant and rave and make an ass of themselves. How does this affect Fugly.com? Take a gander at those nice banners ^^^^^^^^ up there. I am being exposed to banners targeted at the typical Fugly user and may click on them. They make money. Fugly himself in his infinite wisdom decided to post my IP as a new thread which violates my total anonymity. Again I'm not the one who used this term. This is fraud. You put the definition of clue, cute, heres another word you might enjoy: You say that you can't find any personal information about me from my IP but you base that off of the current users. Remember, you only need to register if you want to post, not to read what written. You don't know who else reads these posts and what they have access to. There could be someone from my ISP who wants to have some fun and emails someone here. It may not happen but is certainly forseeable. This is gross negligence when the user (me) expects total anonymity that is conveyed when I signed up. I don't know why you don't think I have a point here.
Let's knock off opression for now and examine the first two. 1. Fraud- You need to explain to me how Fugly was hurt by me having multiple accounts. They experienced increased traffic by the entertainment of our daily jabs ,which is what the webmaster intended. 2.Malice Causing trouble is what makes a unmoderated forum worth reading. Again this is what Fugly intended when they wrote this: We don't talk about Jesus here or how to fix a tranny. We flame, rant and call each other names all in good fun. Fugly(webmaster) has made a decison to make public information that only he is privy to.
Jesus Christ, your whining is getting tedious. If you labor at the new job half as hard as you've belabored your point you shall make supervisor/ manager/ senior clerk in record time. Why don't you just go ahead and file a lawsuit? And after you're awarded a multi-million dollar judgment, ring up Kap'n Schitzo and get him to write a book all about it. You two will get along great.
The agreement doesn't say that your IP wont be published either, besides, it isn't information, it's raw data accessable to ANY website you visit. You want to protect your IP? Use a proxy and a firewall, that's your responsibilty. But I'll repeat, you came here with the intention of disrupting the operation of this website and cause loss of income, you are a self proclaimed troller and and both admitted that you both knew and accepted that your IP would be published. You even commented on how you were surprised that he hadn't done it sooner. Don't start laying down the law about what I or others are doing here, or for what purpose Fugly made this forum. That's not for you to say. As a matter of fact you complained that this forum was too boring with announcements of birthdays etc... and that we don't flame here. Point is, you're a wanker without a friend in the world. You came here to cause trouble for your own enjoyment and it backfired. There's no one to blame but yourself. I hope the phone calls last months and disrupt your life enough to make you kill yourself.
Yeah, I was wondering that aswell. I emailed Apollo Group with a link back here, so I guess we're going to find out.
Canine_STD: You make some weak arguments but I guess I will respond to them. In your last post, you proved that someone can be harmed by publishing IPs. You may not have my information but you can find out enough to register an abuse complaint to. If I was working and used my company's computer this can result in me getting fired. At this point, Fugly.com does NOT enjoy immunity under Communications Decency Act ("CDA"). Its not up to me to use a proxy and protect my information. An average layperson would assume that Fugly would protect my information by setting the name for this forum. You said . May I ask why you came here? To talk about the latest anime? To have fun saying what you want without getting worried that you can be fired for saying the wrong things. Heres something to ponder: Why hasn't Schmed,IMC and Fugly have anything to add? They are hiding behind the CDA for now and decided not to perpetuate Fugly.com's culpulbility. As it stands, I would only have a cause of action if I lose my ISP or lose my job over publishing my IP. If Fugly or their staff posted something to the effect of " Hey now that we know his phone number lets call him and make his life a living hell" then they would be resposible for your post. Do you honestly think that Fugly.com will protect you in case of a summons? Despite of what the forum says, Reiz was correct in asserting that the forum is not as free as we like to think. the CDA only protects the webmasters from the third party's(you) wrongdoings but not thier own. So keep sending those email to Apollo Group, which is University of Phoenix,Charter One and Altrio. Let me pose another question. To an average person, would having the knowledge of having your IP posted publicly change the way you post? Of course it would! There is a difference of having your IP logged vs posted. Remember, we are not talking about someone who is versed on regulations and laws, just the average schmoe. An average person would assume the following: 1. In an self-proclaimed anonymous forum they would be anonymous. 2. In such a forum you are not held accountable for anything you say. Maybe Fugly or one of their staff member can chime in on this? Either they are too stupid to say something or just being smart. I think its the latter.
Lets not get cute with calling this the name of a forum. The average person would assume that total means total. I know that you think I'm a whining prick but someone as smart as you would say what Fugly did was "not cool". By the same arguments, Fugly should post the IP of all the annoying users. Will they? Hell no.
You see smiles, sometimes calling someone names in an intelligent arguments makes you sound silly. The location, 867-5309, is a from a song and not meant for someone to call. Please try again and for god sakes, don't act like a flaming doofus.
Would you just fuck off and die someplace quietly? No one cares what you think. Fugly owns this website so he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Where does it say he promises any fucking thing? He always reserves the right to do whatever he wants. Why did you even sign up? You're a wuss, plain and simple. Things don't go your way, and you bitch and moan like a starved chinaman that just got his last grain of rice stolen. An IP address is hardly giving away your personal information. I could have got it by putting in a link to a simple 4 line perl script, you cock sag. Now crawl back to your land of chinky-chinks chop chop. Slanty-eyed motherfucker. I wouldn't piss in your mouth if your teeth were aflame. And people wonder why I hate other races. Because they are scum. Perfect example of it: Rat's Tool. You're lower than whale shit to me.
Fugly or their staff would never say anything like that, it's not in their nature - they're lovers, not fighters. Do you honestly think they would have to? I'll repeat what I said earlier, I don't live in America let alone California. The only thing you could get me on is libel, but seeing as you have admited that the information I posted is correct you've blown that chance. You live in America so you're only doing what comes natural to you when you threaten everyone with legal action, but I don't - and I live in a society where you can't claim for mental distress without physical injury. I hardly doubt I'll be extradited to the USA for something like this, so you will have to sort it out in the australian courts, which you will have to pay tens of thousands of dollars for some bearded twat in a stupid wig to tell me what I did wasn't very clever and award you nothing. If you want to do that... hey, be my guest.
Fugly cares what I think, he erased Schmed's post and have not responded to any of my post. Fugly does own this website but he can't do what he wants. Fugly can't post kiddie porn. Fugly can't encourage music downloads and the list goes on and on. Things not going my way? It was all fun and games until my IP was published for the sole intent of causing me harm. You could of got my IP by your method but thats not the case here. You got my IP by Fugly posting it. Don't tell me what you could of done, please talk about what has been done. It is interesting that you have focus on my race. Its a sign of desperation of not having anything to rebut my main points. If I was white, would it made my argument any stronger? (no) So keep on calling me a chink, it makes you look smarter. By the way, Happy Thanksgiving.
Again, my beef is not what you got off of Google. Its the fact that fugly posted my IP that gave YOU the ability to complain to my ISP when it was conveyed that it would not. Posting the name and phone number was public information and really is not a big deal. Let me ask these question again: where is the usually loquacious Schmed and IMC? Why was Schmed's post erased?
Fugly shouldn't have posted your IP and Canine shouldn't have posted your name and address.Coz i for one wouldn't like it done to me and if i wanted it known who i really was i'd have it in my sig.Most people on here are complete wankers and arseholes to each other, we wind each other up and abuse each other, it's what being on here is all about, it's why i joined the forum and why i have stayed so long.When people first join you get a hard time but if you stick it out long enough people except you as part of the regular posters. I thought you were a complete tosser as i do many on here but it was also entertaining to read your posts and what others had to say to you.I can understand why you r pissed off.I don't think Fugly is worried though otherwise he would have erased this whole thread.Just take whats happened on the chin and post as one person for a while.