Notice how conciliatory said rattool is once is identity AND HIS PHONE NUMBER have been established on the fugly forums. I think he's scurred.
Yeah, kinda funny to being that I was supposed to have total anonymity. Goes to show you not to fuck with Fugly. I guess I did not have complete disregard for your own accountability. Wonder where I got that idea.
The info Fugly posted about your IP wasn't used to track you down, and as far as I know can't be used to track you down without a court order, and seeing as how I don't live in America let alone California I obviously didn't do that. I just tracked you down using information off the internet, which is public domain.
What, praetell, was fugly's purpose in posting ones IP? To find out who someone is... . This may not seem like it, but its a commercial site. And to me, making this forum with false promises of anonymity is a breach of contract. If this was one of your goons who hacked the board to find my IP that different. It was the owner who has non-public information such as e-mail and IP that was conveyed as private. He/she/it broke that covenant when Fugly asked if someone can track this IP down. It does not matter how much info can be obtained by the IPs. The intent was to cause me to cause me punitive harm.
Fugly always reserves the right to post an IP. Remember, you're the one that thought nobody wasn't a person. Nobody was really heart broken when you thought he wasn't a person. I spent hours of my own time giving him a shoulder to cry on. You're a cunt, Tool. That's why you lost your right to remain anonymous. Same as if you admited to raping someone on this forum, by law, that would void your anonymity and the police would be allowed to investigate. And since you were trolling, being a general pain in the ass and a complete wanker, you lost your right to be anonymous. Now shut up, bend over and let Debbie fuck you in the ass.
Opinion? So you call posting my IP not breaking someone's anonymity. I did not make these rules, Fugly did. And how can it be worthless when your not getting crankcalls at all hours of the night. You know what? Screw it. There are other ways to deal with this kind of tort. To the person who keep crankcalling me..keep it up. Unless your calling from a prepaid cell phone you can be traced. And good Job fugly on your wonderful website and I hope you are making alot of money. If your wondering, this is beyond the daily jabs and insults. Punitive damages are awarded for fraud malice and opression. I can prove fraud and malice lets try for opression now.
Let me qupte something again... Now tell me where Fugly reserves the right. In the FAQ? I agree that I am a cunt and a bad troll but Fugly stepped over the line when he posted my IP. I was not trading kiddy porn or planning to kill the president, I was just fucking around like the rest of you. We all had a good laugh and went on with the rest of our lives. Guess who has to deal with the crank calls and pizza deliveries? Thats right me. SO tell me that Fugly did not have any malice towards posting my IP. Keep it up mr crankcaller.
What has he done to deserve being singled out for having his privacy infringed apart from being an annoying asshole? If that's the requirement then we should all have our ip's displayed...again. :?
If he had any sense he never would have admitted it was him and then just stopped posting. Even now I would suggest the stop posting strategy. Also, investing in caller ID for 3 bucks a month might not be a bad idea. A little tit for tat goes along way.
No I don't call posting your IP breaking your anonymity. An IP address is not personal information, and forums commonly display posters' IPs at the end of their posts. And place emphesis on the added bonus of total anonymity, besides, it is a name of a forum - not a rule, a law or a contract. So you decided to troll this forum knowing that fugly could, and expecting him to, use this function. That's your problem. And for anyone tracking you down, you expected that too, as proved in your admision of leaving clues. clew, clue n. a ball of thread or cord; (Myth.) a ball of thread used as a guide through a maze; hence, anything that serves to guide one in an involved affair or helps to solve a mystery. You wanted to be discovered, that's the only reason anyone would leave "clues"
lets see if smiles can make another prediction..... no ONE is CALLING you BECAUSE no ONE cares AND that MAKES you SAD so STOP trying TO divert ATTENTION from YOUR previous BLATANT homosexuality AND go DWELL in A lonely LONELY dark PIT that IS your LIFE... besides if my powers of recollection are anything to go depend on I believe one of your locations was a phone number.... i'm leaning more towards the notion that you YEARN for someone to call you but sadly no one is .... cheer up maybe you'll get a graphing calculator for christmas